Actor says it’s a big problem that gay guys don’t play Marvel superheroes – IOTW Report

Actor says it’s a big problem that gay guys don’t play Marvel superheroes

Hasn’t Kit Harington ever heard of George Clooney? Cmon.

Oh, wait. That wasn’t Marvel. (Why is this guy specifically picking on Marvel?)


Game of Thrones star Kit Harrington ripped Marvel Studios, saying gay people suffer from a lack of representation in the film company’s superhero movies.

“There’s a big problem with masculinity and homosexuality that they can’t somehow go hand in hand,” Harington said in an interview with Variety at the Toronto International Film Festival. “That we can’t have someone in a Marvel movie who’s gay in real life and plays some superhero. I mean, when is that going to happen?”


Make your own movie and cast it any way you want. And when no one shows up it would have been your own damn money on the line.

Who the hell are you to demand how someone else use their money?

Oh, wait. You’re a leftist. That explains it.

ht/ jerry manderin

32 Comments on Actor says it’s a big problem that gay guys don’t play Marvel superheroes

  1. For good reason. Most people don’t want to see that sort of thing, and wont pay to see it. I wouldn’t watch if they offered to pay me to watch it. I’ve never watched a moment of the fag cowboy movie, and never will.

  2. Someone should get lil kippy a Kleenex and then tell it to watch the movie called Deadpool.

    That dude is as gay as a three dollar bill or obamma (take your pick) and it shows through every single boring one-liner he throws out there through the 3 hour snore-fest that is the movie.

  3. @joker….

    Batman and Robin slid down a pole together to their secret underground base, AND it was the 60’s so of COARSE they were gay!

    “Holy bareback batman, I didn’t see that ONE coming!”

  4. There was a Valkyrie chick in Thor Ragnorak whose character is bi, even back in the comic. The guy who plays Flash in Justice League is gayer than gay and it comes through on screen just a leetle… Wonder Woman literally says out loud that yes they need men to make babies but they turn to other women for pleasure (my kids yelled YUUUUUUUUUUUUCK at the screen for that one), both MCU and DC franchises tip their hats to the bromance/ NAMBLA mentor undercurrents that fans have discussed for decades…. Batman and Robin versus IronMan and Spiderman.

    Obviously Kit doesn’t know of what he blathers and preaches about.

  5. Again, it isn’t simply toleration of perversion that’s demanded – it’s participation in the celebration of perversion.

    They are incapable (through whatever psychological mechanisms which are in play) of practicing their perversions and leaving the drippings in their beds (or closets). They demand that everyone watch and cheer. This is a tyranny of a completely different disorder – yes, it is being championed by the nihilistic socialists, but it is Satanic in nature.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Gang — He didn’t say that there should be more homosexual superheroes. He said that there should be more homosexual actors playing superheroes. From there I presume the characters they’re playing are either homosexual or straight. This Kitt guy is an idiot, but let’s at least get the context straight.

    And he’s full of holes anyway. The X-Men movies were directed by a homosexual man who later went on to do Superman Returns. The X-Men movies had homosexual actors playing superheroes. Ian McKellan as Magnegto, Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler and whoever the kid was that played Iceman. The movies were clearly promoting the homosexual agenda. “Have you ever tried *not* being a mutant?”

    And besides. Hollywood is still full of closeted homosexuals. Chances are extremely strong there are plenty homosexuals playing superheroes above and beyond the examples I cited.

    I loved how Deadpool 2 kept underscoring how they had homosexuals several times throughout the movie. “Hiiii, Yuuukiiii….!” It’s like the movie was grabbing the audience by the lapels and saying, “Hey! Lookit! We got some! Didja notice?! Didja notice?! Don’t you think we’re awesome now?!”

  7. Nope not allowed today. In the old days gay dudettes could play a straight dude in the movies. Not today. That would be cultural appropriation. Now days if they want a gay actor hired they want his character to be gay. Hollywood pervs have long sneaked in subtle little bits of gay or pedofile or foul language into movies and even cartoons (such as the one wherein Sylvester rounds the end of the fence and seeing Spike is terrified and babbling with a WTF thrown in). Today they don’t want subtle. They want the Obama made and Maxine Waters enforced “Get in their face” attitude put into action.

  8. Holy crap. From “the love that dare not speak it’s name” to “the love that just wouldn’t shut up.” Who the hell cares who’s gay and playing who? Just SHUT UP!
    Also, these are movies for kids for Godsake, so can we leave sexuality out of it?

  9. Look, in his pants! Is that a #anuslikeabagel or does he just have a distended rectum?

    Find out next week on the next exciting episode of Buttman and Captain fabulous.

  10. The dude is secretly hoping for a superhero who catches bad guys (probably conservatives) by fapping at them and enveloping them with some sort sort of explosive sticky gel. Captain Cum? Sir Jizz Alot?

  11. Marvel will have gay super heroes when game of thrones has black, asian, or Hispanic characters on it’s show.

    …or when game of thrones stops harassing and killing its gay characters.

  12. James Bond couldn’t get away with throwing a couple of flaming faggots who were trying to kill him anymore when he strapped them to a bomb and threw their faggy asses over the side of the ship in Diamonds Are Forever at the end of the movie and you know the rest KABOOM! That ‘s one of my favorite scenes in a James Bond movie.

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