Actress Dies After Participating In Frog Venom Ritual – IOTW Report

Actress Dies After Participating In Frog Venom Ritual

Daily Caller: Mexican actress Marcela Alcázar Rodríguez, 33, died Sunday after reportedly participating in a high-risk ritual involving poisonous frog venom in the Mexican state of Durango.

The actress willingly consumed the Amazonian frog venom as part of a longstanding spiritual cleansing ritual endemic to indigenous South American cultures, according to Infobae, an Argentine outlet. Rodríguez suffered a severe reaction to the poison and was taken to a Red Cross hospital, where she died. more

20 Comments on Actress Dies After Participating In Frog Venom Ritual

  1. Everywhere one looks today there are mountains and mountains of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Even his burial cloth — the most examined artifact on planet earth — testifies to his resurrection. There are over 60K manuscripts that collaborate the truth of the Bible and the accounts of Jesus’ time on earth by those who knew him or from their writings.

    But just try to convince those with no eyes to see nor ears to hear. They’d rather roll the dice on frog venom for “spiritual cleansing”; a term none of them could actually or factually define, anyway. You’d think they were practicing laundry stripping; getting the gray out of your white laundry with a concoction of detergents and harsh chemicals.

  2. @Different Tim:

    I read where you can get hallucinating effects from licking certain frogs and toads so I’ve been doing that.

    So far haven’t found the right kind.

    Yes, you have. That you haven’t been hallucinating is the hallucination.

  3. Ironically, the French eat a lot of frog legs, judging what was on the menu at a French Restaurant in Paris.

    When I told them they were easting their brothers and were guilty of cannibalism, they threw their wineglasses at me. Then they told me: Pueffe off, Americaine ignorantisme- you go back to you cowboy shooting indian county, You do not deserve to be here with we sophisticated French people. Ee eees the ugly Americaine

  4. Isn’t it wonderful that these sophisticated Latinx individuals are pouring over the southern border by the millions to enrich our culture? Soon we will be seeing frog-licking bars across the fruited plains. I’m sure Oregon and California have already legalized the selling of frog venom in the name of DEI. Remember Diversity is our Strength, or something.


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