Actress Ellen Page is Now Elliot Page and Goes Topless Showing Surgery Scars – IOTW Report

Actress Ellen Page is Now Elliot Page and Goes Topless Showing Surgery Scars

The use of he, him, his is all the Daily Mail.


  • The 34-year-old Umbrella Academy star shared a poolside snap on his Instagram account on Monday, sharing his ‘joy’ at getting his first pair of swim trunks 
  • In the photo, Page, who is currently shooting the third season of the Netflix show, is seen standing next in a pool in red swim shorts and a dark baseball cap
  • Page’s top surgery scars are faintly visible in the image, which also sees the actor showing off a defined six-pack
  • His Umbrella Academy co-star Justin Cornwell called attention to his muscular physique, saying: ‘Dude I see why you crushed me in that workout!’
  • Page revealed in March that he had undergone top surgery to remove his breasts and in a recent interview with Oprah said the procedure ‘changed his life’
  • The actor also said that one of his greatest joys since coming out has been seeing himself in the mirror with a towel around his waist after showering 
  • Page publicly came out as transgender in December and has since shared more details about his experiences in a bid to raise more awareness about trans rights

47 Comments on Actress Ellen Page is Now Elliot Page and Goes Topless Showing Surgery Scars

  1. She looks so happy! So strained smile and incredibly gaunt aside from her abs! Good golly gee I hope this happens to everyone single female out there!!! :)))

  2. At what point does the Daily Mail (pronounced same as “male”) finally change their name from the misogynistic assholes that they are to something more socially acceptable and less culturally appropriated?

  3. She’s almost as mentally ill as someone who thinks St. George’s drug overdose was caused by cops.

    And a president who thinks he got 80 million votes.

    And a doctor who calls actual origins of COVID a conspiracy theory.


  4. The awful part is what Ellen Page has done will do nothing to help her mental illness.
    That’s not a man and never will be, its a tranny man with mental illness.
    A mentally ill individual who had Doctors remove her breast.


  5. Sorry, honey. Trust the science, your DNA still says you are a women, even after surgery. Breast removal and hair in your arm pits doesn’t make you male. Trust the Science, seek a mental health evaluation.

  6. I feel sad for these people.
    They are being used by the devil and the leftists.
    Years from now she will not be happy.
    She’ll still feel out of sorts.
    Terrible what doctors will do for money.

  7. Does this mentally ill woman not have a family?! There is an old adage, everywhere you go there you are which sums up perfectly why the trans movement is destined to fail everyone that takes that road. But of course reality is just hate speech these days.

  8. LocoBlancoSaltine May 25, 2021 at 2:12 am

    I see suicide in her future…

    I was hoping this would be the case for Bruce Jenner. We are living in more than dangerous times.

  9. “Why, on the whole, thou’rt –
    what thou art.
    Set wigs of million curls upon thy head;
    To raise thee
    Wear shoes an ell in height,
    the truth betrays thee,
    And thou remainest, what thou art.”
    (“Faust” Goethe)

    She’s only fooling herself.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. “one of his greatest joys since coming out has been seeing himself in the mirror…”

    Greatest joys is seeing him/zhe/itself?? Nothing else?


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