Adam Schiff-Fer-Brains Tweets OUTRAGE Over Shooting, Steps on Rake – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff-Fer-Brains Tweets OUTRAGE Over Shooting, Steps on Rake

15 Comments on Adam Schiff-Fer-Brains Tweets OUTRAGE Over Shooting, Steps on Rake

  1. It’s pretty fucked up that people in the media and people running this country HOPE for a shooter that will allow them to fan the flames of race hatred and get real live innocent people killed just so they can score political points.

  2. @ SNS JANUARY 22, 2023 AT 4:22 PM

    The only concern the Democrat Party has ever had for “vulnerable” or “minority” communities and individuals is to the extent they can exploit them to advance a narrative that advances the Democrats’ agenda.

    It was such in the antebellum days of slavery and even more so today. To expect sincerity from them is about as logical as expecting the sun to appear on the western horizon tomorrow.

  3. It wasn’t the Asian guy – it was the gun!
    Probably an illegal one, at that.
    “Gun violence” my ass.
    I guess it would have been better for Adam Schitt if dude had used a machete?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “And this was in California with all of their stringent gun laws.”

    The laws 90% of the land mass pays no attention to. Including Law Enforcement. What they end up impacting is our ability to purchase.
    My Sheriff says, I don’t care what you carry as long as you can conceal it.

  5. Well that’s funny especially since Pencil Neck Adam Schiff was recently belittled by BLM which publicly called he with the small brain a “self-serving racist”. Schiff also has a long history of abusing his power by exploiting, targeting, and punishing minorities.

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