Add a Message!! – IOTW Report

Add a Message!!


35 Comments on Add a Message!!

  1. Drop the fuck dead, on stage, tomorrow night.
    And give me some foaming at the mouth and some good twitching, and a loud death rattle.
    Then drop the balloons.
    And let’s see some confetti falling into your open gaping mouth.
    too far?

  2. Happy Birthday Dear Hillary.
    May you live long.
    And spend the rest of your miserable life wondering how the “deplorables,” those scum, stole what you thought was rightfully yours. What ungreatfull bastards!

  3. Hillary does not deserve my time nor my intellect in expressing the obvious displeasure of her repugnant stupidity regarding her despicable attempt to run for the highest office this country has to offer.

  4. Birthday wishes for Killary – Please don’t die. Have a living hellish death instead. Incontinent of bowel and bladder, demented, nearly blind but able to see Bill with his whores, intense and unrelenting anal itch, ataxia, chronic and explosive bloody diarrhea, vomiting at the smell of food, loss of every tooth, uncontrolled drooling, tinnitus that sounds like loser, loser, loser, massive daily migraines, the constant feeling of bugs crawling on you. Let this go on for a year and then die alone you monstrous mountain of pig crap.

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May Karma bring to you, Hillary, what you have dispensed to others, only slower, more painful, embarrassing, and lethal. May you witness your lesbian lover in the arms of Bill, finally reaching those impossible orgasms as he linguses her cunny better than you ever could do. Then may the last thing you see as the final remnant of your lungs erupts from your piehole is Bill turning slowly to look at you with the most vitriolic hatred he has ever shown another. The demons of hell await you, Hillary. Depart from us. Begone!

  6. Dear hillary Rottenham, shit cake would be too good for you. But eat shit anyway, and die.
    Luv, Unruly

    P.S. I saw 13 Hours tonight. Fuck You where your heart is supposed to be, you fucking bitch.

  7. What can I saw that the others haven’t. I actually hope you don’t die, yet. I hope you spend the rest of your life in assisted living after you collapse on stage tomorrow night. I hope you spend your time wishing Donald had crossed the stage and stomped you so that you could blame him for your loss in the election and not the overwhelming majority of American who seeing your self-aggrandizement scheme for power, deny you that power you seek. The overlooked voters, deplorables, alt-right, middle class, veterans, abused women, hispanics, homosexuals, Christians, and every other American you have marginalized and betrayed in you life will come to you in your nightmares and thoughts. I hope Trump is so good they name the hospital you were born in after him. I hope you lose so bad future politicians fear “Clintoning.” I hope they make a point of denouncing you at feminists meetings as an example of what not to do. I hope you live to see it all. May America reject you as soundly as you have rejected her. Now blow out your candles and dread the day to come.

  8. Hillary, I am not wishing you a happy birthday because frankly, I hope you’ll be dead by October 26.

    Onstage, tonight, in front of thousands of audience members and millions of TV viewers, would be the perfect time and place to answer Satan’s call home. Then at least the lies and the bullshit would stop.

  9. Here’s hoping you choke on your cud tonight you old cow. Not to death mind you but just enough to show what a sick unqualified candidate you are.
    Then when you lose the election you can spend the rest of your life on a respirator thinking about your miserable wasted life and all of the heart ache and pain you have caused…that is if you had a conscience.
    Have fun spending your remaining days replaying in your feeble mind what might have been….oh, and happy birthday.

  10. Dear Hillary: Unlike some others, I’m not wishing for you to die before the election, because then they might replace you with some Dim who could possibly be electable. And I don’t really want you to die right afterwards, either, because I want you to be around to see the Trump inauguration and the dismantling of the corrupt system you helped build. And I definitely want you to be around for your indictment, trial, and conviction which hopefully will follow soon thereafter.

    So have that birthday, Hil, and if you go to prison, well…let’s just say that I wish you many, many more.


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