Add REAL CLEAR POLITICS to the Ever-Growing List of Ridiculously Hacky Media Sites – IOTW Report

Add REAL CLEAR POLITICS to the Ever-Growing List of Ridiculously Hacky Media Sites

Characterizing Ben Carson’s presser yesterday, where he methodically separated the MSM’s brain from Obama’s ass with the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel, Real Clear Politics had this to say-

After taking questions for about seven minutes, Carson (for lack of better words) snaps, yelling and mocking reporters in a manic tone:


12 Comments on Add REAL CLEAR POLITICS to the Ever-Growing List of Ridiculously Hacky Media Sites

  1. He never lost his cool, it’s just another case of the press trying frame/bend the story to fit the narrative they’ve decided upon. Every American ought to be very, very interested as to why Obama’s academic records and work are sealed and why he’s spent over a million dollars of possible campaign money (if that’s the source of the money that’s illegal) to keep them from the public. Geezuz, maybe it’s time for a black bag job over at Harvard or find a whistle blower patriot there and at Columbia to publish the marks and study product.

  2. “snaps, yelling and mocking reporters in a manic tone:”

    Unless I was watching the wrong video, I didn’t see any yelling and mocking or even a manic tone. I’m glad he held his ground and called them out. I would never vote for Ben Carson because I don’t like his association with Al Sharpton or his stand on immigration and trade bills. But I like his confronting the media.

  3. If you don’t say anything to respond to the bullshit, you’re weak.
    If you DO say something, you’re crazy.
    FOAD. Not a fan of any of those sites and I found RCP to be slanted towards RINOs and Dems anyway.

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