Admin Girl – Always in Our Memory – IOTW Report

Admin Girl – Always in Our Memory

30 Comments on Admin Girl – Always in Our Memory

  1. I still have email exchanges from Admin Girl; just the same as keeping letters from friends and family, only electronic. She was very kind. I’m glad her watchful eye can be seen every time we read IOTW. It’s a very nice reminder.

  2. There’s a C chord in there in those fingers there, maybe a C7th in fact?

    That whole look reminds me of the Central Park days…

    If I may, she is a beautiful woman. Her nail color matches the streaks in her hair.

    Thanks for ‘sharing’ @BFH.

  3. She is probably laughing at how sad we are as she in glory with God.

    Grief is our way of processing the pain of loss but her spirit lives on in all of us who still have to live down here in Satan ‘s world.

  4. Can’t add a thing.

    The ways of God are certainly mysterious – we still have Ginsburg and Pelosi while the kind and decent people … I don’t want to dwell on it.

    izlamo delenda est …


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