Admitting There’s a Deep State in Order to Defend It – IOTW Report

Admitting There’s a Deep State in Order to Defend It


Former Obama era intelligence officials, those who helped construct, organize and assemble the public-private partnership between intelligence data networks and supported social media companies, have written a letter to congress warning that any effort to break up Big Tech (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, etc.) would be catastrophic for the national security system they have created. More

9 Comments on Admitting There’s a Deep State in Order to Defend It

  1. I guess “aspire to retire” never crosses the minds of former intel people , they ought to have a shut your mouth clause when they enter the private sector . Fuck the think tank gig , I’d be thinking go to the fishing cabin , or lake house , or ranch , or beach house ….Seriously , no harm in retiring , stepping back and getting out of the spotlight . If these guys are political in retirement , you can bet your ass they were political in their jobs . Same with former flag officers who just have to get on the news channels and expound on events when they haven’t been to an intel briefing in years .

  2. …would be catastrophic for the national security system they have created”

    yeah- what a system. They can’t legally spy or track on (any/all) citizens, but it is OK for them to pay others to do it for them, then buy that information from them.
    that’s what it is.
    just business

  3. Are these the same former intelligence officials who wrote the letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian misinformation?


    Not only is this laughable that they seem to like letter writing now, it brings to mind the scene from Team America where Hans Blix says the UN will write a sternly worded letter.


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