Affordable Care Act Premiums About to Become Unaffordable – IOTW Report

Affordable Care Act Premiums About to Become Unaffordable


Democrats are in total control of the federal government and about 13 million Obamacare recipients are about to receive notice of a 53 percent premium price increase.

The only thing that will stop reality from hitting these 13 million is if Congress acts to extend the subsidies, which will cost the American taxpayer $70 billion over three years. More

11 Comments on Affordable Care Act Premiums About to Become Unaffordable

  1. They could remove the mandates, and allow people to shop a variety of insurance products including low-end ones that they could actually afford.
    But they would rather destroy poor people.

  2. “The only thing that will stop reality from hitting these 13 million is if Congress acts to extend the subsidies, which will cost the American taxpayer $70 billion over three years.”

    Dem’s don’t do reality. Bring on the subsidies!

  3. Obamacareless is an intentional monstrosity designed to drain taxpayers financial resources. Now that Obama has his third term by proxy, Dementia Joe will do whatever he’s told to continue this evil scam against the American people.


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