African Athletes Going For A Different Kind of Gold – IOTW Report

African Athletes Going For A Different Kind of Gold

Australia has been hosting the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games and so far has been dominating the medal count.

But if skipping out on competing in order to enter the host nation illegally were a recognized sport, The continent of Africa would top the leader board.

Cameroon would be leading the pack with 8 of the African nation’s athletes reported missing. Among the vanished are two squash players from Sierra Leone, two Ugandans, one coach from Rwandan and possibly one Ghanaian who all seem to be competing for who can overstay their visa the longest.  More

Perhaps Australia will be greeting athletes at the airport with ankle monitors if they ever host again.

6 Comments on African Athletes Going For A Different Kind of Gold

  1. Isn’t it odd how it seems that it seems like all the dark-skinned people are doing everything they can to escape the shithole countries they created to the relative paradise the white people created. Or am I wrong?


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