After 17-Year “Temporary Status,” El Salvadorians Told To Go Home – IOTW Report

After 17-Year “Temporary Status,” El Salvadorians Told To Go Home

In 2001, the tiny Central American nation of El Salvador was struck by a devastating earthquake. To assist the nation, then President Bush extend “Temporary Protected Status” to roughly 200,000 El Salvadorians who were already here. Since that initial exception, the TPS allowance had been extended by the Secretary of Homeland Security based on an assessment whether their home country had recovered from the earthquake or not.

Now those 200,000 El Salvadorians have until September 2019 to return home on their own or we will send them back ourselves.  More

16 Comments on After 17-Year “Temporary Status,” El Salvadorians Told To Go Home

  1. The 200,000 have multiplied to over a 1,000,000.

    Who really believes there will be a migration back to El Salvador?
    I doubt the Federal Government knows who they are, let a lone where they are.
    This will end up as Fake News in 2019.

  2. It was supposed to be temporary from day one. But, in the spirit of the season, just send back anyone with MS13 tats. And their extended family. And anyone still on welfare. And anyone who can’t speak English. And anyone with an arrest record. And anyone registered (illegally) to vote. See how easy this is?

  3. 17 years!! Seventeen years, hell the Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed on itself and the wife, an Oakland 4 generation native says it was “Remarkably fast.” to get the bridge back online.
    Send them home now, please, their culture, and ours, is eroding every minute they stay.

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