After a Long Hiatus, I’ve Resumed Pet Portraits – Here is Benjamin – IOTW Report

After a Long Hiatus, I’ve Resumed Pet Portraits – Here is Benjamin

(Bumped for the weekday crowd. )

He’s a sharp-dressed man.

(I’m sorry if I forgot or ignored any requests in the past. Just drop a note to bigfurhat,((that would be @ gmail)) or drop a note here.)

15 Comments on After a Long Hiatus, I’ve Resumed Pet Portraits – Here is Benjamin

  1. All he needs now is a top hat, a monocle and a Monopoly board!

    I have many hobbies. It is difficult to focus on just one for a long time. You have to take a break and rotate around from one to the other… at least I do.

  2. I have two BFH paintings. One is of one of my two pups, who are getting very old, so it is great to have this painting. It captures something even the original photo couldn’t. The painting is Romey and Cooper.

  3. French bulldog, people on the next street over have two of them, I see them when they’re out in their backyard. Both black and white, I think they’re siblings. They have a good time running around and rolling in the grass.

  4. Would love to peer at both eyes closely with a magnifying glass, to find out exactly what Benjamin is looking at. Because he definitely has something in view–and in mind.

  5. I have three BFH pet originals and one very special landscape, every one really capures the soul of the subject.

    Which is good because two of those subjects, Mini and Skippy, crossed the Rainbow Bridge so its nice to have these memorials.

    I kind of want to get my Duke done, but the time and the pose has to be right. That guys a bolt of lightning, and I cant afford the triple canvas BFH would need just to capture the motion blur…

    …heres the landscape one. The boss man is versatile as well as skilled…


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