AG Bill Barr Outlines the Scope of USAO John Bash “Unmasking” Investigation – IOTW Report

AG Bill Barr Outlines the Scope of USAO John Bash “Unmasking” Investigation

Conservative Treehouse: During a questioning session by Rep. Jim Jordan, AG Bill Barr outlines a secondary, parallel, investigation ongoing by U.S. Attorney John Bash [@01:40 of video].  In his response AG Barr notes the breakout investigation assigned to Bash to review the unlawful unmasking of Donald Trump campaign officials.

Worth noting AG Barr explains the unmasking investigation is not limited to the post election period, transition and incoming administration.  The investigation extends further back in the government surveillance of Trump associates in the 2015/2016 campaign. That unmasking could, likely does, include the use of the FBI-NSA database where ‘unmasking’ is an analogous term with”minimization”.  {Go Deep}

AGAIN, there is a name -a key person- that is never mentioned within these stories. One person, who no-one knows, whose name has never appeared, who is doing the larger investigative over-watch. The five member USAO team are on a separate, albeit parallel, track. That one key-person fuels my optimism [and please quit trying to guess – it’s futile].

During the time-frame of December 2015 through April 2016 the NSA database was being exploited by contractors within the intelligence community doing unauthorized searches.

On March 9, 2016, oversight personnel doing a review of FBI system access were alerted to thousands of unauthorized search queries of specific U.S. persons within the NSA database.

NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers was made aware. more here

11 Comments on AG Bill Barr Outlines the Scope of USAO John Bash “Unmasking” Investigation

  1. Barr was very disappointing in my view. “See how fair I am, I wanted Roger Stone to be jailed too”
    Then lets Hank Johnson {a true imbecile} mop the floor with him.
    He could have called out Nadler from the start and interrupted at each outright lie.
    This didn’t help the cause.
    Remember, the dems are putting on a show for their radical constituents and the press, not the general public.

  2. Let’s Hank Johnson mop the floor with him? You’re delusional. Johnson did nothing but make an ass out of himself, I guess the feed in GA is different than what you got.

  3. @rick

    I was referring to the constant interruptions and idiotic remarks he sat silently for. He could have said that’s a lie at each statement or just laughed. I just thought he was too meek when he was attacked by this idiot.

  4. Barr made another remark that jumped out at me, when accused of unfairly targeting those involved in the coup attempt: He responded to the democrats by asking “Name one person that I’ve prosecuted, one person we’ve arrested”

    Exactly Mr Barr!

  5. I thought that Attorney General Barr showed remarkable restraint and composure. The Dementiacrats showed how pervasive Systemic Stupidity and Sedition is among the majority members on this farcical House Judiciary Committee. Barr’s revelation that he has appointed another, independent U S Attorney to investigate the unmasking (spying) of Osmidgen’s political opponents (including every Republican running for President before Trump declared his candidacy) must have been a thrilling experience for these rude Time Reclaimers.

  6. Barr defended Lon Horiuchi, who gunned down an unarmed woman holding her baby in 1992. Barr spent several weeks organizing former attorneys general and others to support the federal agent’s defense against criminal charges related to the Ruby Ridge incident.

    That is all I need to know about Barr.


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