AG Jeff Sessions Shuts Catch and Release Loophole – IOTW Report

AG Jeff Sessions Shuts Catch and Release Loophole


Pro-migration groups are angrily criticizing the federal government’s Monday closure of a major catch and release loophole which releases illegal border-crossers within 20 days if they bring children with them across the border.

The new policy closes the catch and release loophole by detaining the parents while their children are placed in safe homes by the Department of Health and Human Services. This means the parents can be detained for longer than the 20-day limit set by the 1997 Flores decision, so allowing time for the deportation legal process to be completed.

The policy does not apply to people who formally ask border agents for asylum, such as the people in the so-called “caravan.” The asylum seekers will not be separated from their children while officials weigh their request to file for asylum.

The closure of the Flores catch and release loophole was underlined May 7 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who warned illegal immigrants on Monday:

If you cross this border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. It’s that simple…. If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law. If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.

Pro-migration groups are complaining.  more

7 Comments on AG Jeff Sessions Shuts Catch and Release Loophole

  1. This is what happens to a country when the citizens are indifferent to the operation of government. Talk to most people out on the street and you’ll find them to be clueless, or too quick to believe the trash pumped out of the mainstream news.
    They’ll brighten up when it’s too late.

  2. “The policy does not apply to people who formally ask border agents for asylum”

    1) cross border into mexico then cross back and ask for asylum.
    2) apply for welfare.
    3) vote democrat.
    4) vacation for life.

  3. Who’s Jeff Sessions?

    Oh, that’s right, he’s the guy on the milk cartoon. It said he’s been missing since 20 Jan 2017. I sure hope they find that Mr. Magoo Rip Van Sessions guy.


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