The idiots can’t hear or see that she is firing back and is still a threat. They also can’t fathom that the cop missed, and he knows he missed. And, also, why do they always stick up for the criminals??
Biden – “shoot them in the leg.”
The idiots can’t hear or see that she is firing back and is still a threat. They also can’t fathom that the cop missed, and he knows he missed. And, also, why do they always stick up for the criminals??
Biden – “shoot them in the leg.”
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Shoot em in the da layg huh? Tell that to Obama sons.
Shot her ’till she’s so overweigh she couldn’t get up!
…Nuthin that a few treatments at Jenny Craig won’t take care of.
Because if you shoot them in the leg, they will live to commit a felony on another day(s).
Q: Why did you shoot him 32 times?
A: Because that’s all the bullets we had!
@TRF — Speaking of weighing too much…
Yes, I laughed!
What is said in the beginning to make the cop turn away? “hey grabber….?” And who said it?
Reminds me of the story where a guy walks into a crowded bar waving his pistol around yelling
“I have a 45 caliber Colt 1911 here with a seven round mag and one in the barrel and I wanna know who’s been sleeping with my wife!”
A voice from the back of the room shouts out”
“Yer gonna need more ammo!”
Shoot until the target stops moving…that’s the rule of thumb.
Uncle Al – I laughed too!
That guy needs to put down the fried chicken!
Most police are notoriously poor shooters.
Never had to use their pistol in line of work.
The only time they shoot their service pistol is when they qualify yearly. Rarely practice.
In full adrenaline mode their accuracy rate is 17 to 25%.
This sheriff has the answer:
TBH, probably only half of those hit her. If that
Yes, Uncle Al. I laughed, too. Reminds me of the time I turned over a turtle and started to feel bad after about twenty minutes.
tThe whole “SHOOT them in the leg” crowd just makes my head explode.
I know most of the readers here are more educated and knowledgeable about guns than that but I must rant.
Any use of a firearm against another person is DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE. You are either justified in shooting that person or you are not.
If you are not justified and the person lives it does not matter if you shot them in the leg a pinky or right between the eyes it is at a minimum assault with a deadly weapon.
Tactically speaking shooting center mass is taught because it is the easiest part of the body to hit and usually the fastest way to stop the threat, It also minimizes the potential of hitting an innocent bystander.
As for multiple shots, you shot until the threat is over Anyone who thinks one shot to the chest ends the threat has never read about the Miami FBI shoot out (or any Medal of Honor citation). There are hundreds of tales of people being shot in the chesteven through the heart and killing Their opponents after receiving a mortal wound but before dying at the scene. Rant off
Why you keep shooting until they are down and the threat is over.
A video example. Brazil, an armed guard shots and kills bank robber, Bank robber shots guard in the back 5 seconds AFTER he was fatally wounded .
@ Seaoh AT 3:05 PM
Shoot ‘em in the big part. We had a customer who put two out of a Delta Elite two inches apart in the heart. The guy was a steel plate shooter. If a guy isn’t burning a thousand rounds per week, it ain’t gonna happen if he starts trying to get fancy.
He didn’t remember pulling the trigger. Yup, that’s how it happened folks when you are shooting that much. It was that way with me when I was shooting trap. I’d drop three rising checkers or quail and don’t remember pulling the trigger on a single one. When it looks right the gun just goes off. Trust me.
Good thing I’m not a cop cuz I couldn’t figure out WTF was going on.
I’ll stick with plumbing – well – with being a retired plumber.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
“The officers hit Fernandez at least 15 times, according to an autopsy report summarized in the letter. She also suffered a gunshot wound to her arm that appeared to be self-inflicted. Fernandez had alcohol, amphetamine and methamphetamine in her system when she died, according to the letter. The officers handcuffed her briefly after the shooting, although she was unresponsive. The handcuffs were removed when an ambulance arrived.”
-Denver Post