Ahoe – IOTW Report


10 Comments on Ahoe

  1. A quick spray of motorcycle chain lube on the windshield does wonders. You can’t imagine the grief it will cause them. Doesn’t take much at all. Hilarity will ensue!

  2. We had a very annoying neighbor when I lived at the Guys house back in the mid 70’s who every morning at around 5 AM would rev his muscle car up real loud and wake us all up. One of my room mates who was a farm kid ended it finally by shoving a potato up his exhaust pipe the next time he did it and blew the hell out of his muffler and shooting the potato down the street at a high velocity, he never did it again and we didn’t tell either.

  3. There’s a difference between being a jerk and being a vandal. The note writer crossed the criminal line. It isn’t cute or clever, nor is it a proper response to jerk parking.


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