Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – IOTW Report

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Lovesick dog walks 10k to see sweetheart

The Local- Toto who lives in the town of Scafati, in Salerno, met Lilly, a fellow Dachshund, this summer when their respective owners struck up a friendship while on holiday.

When the dogs clapped eyes on each other, it was love at first sight and they became inseparable, with Toto spending some time at Lilly’s home in the Naples town of Casola.

Lovesick dog walks 10k to see Naples sweetheart

But Toto soon had to return home, plunging him into the depths of despair.

“His eyes became sad, he could no longer see his sweetheart,” the news website said.

Driven by melancholy, the Dachshund masterminded a way to be reunited with the love of his life, and so set off on the 10km journey between the two towns, avoiding cars along the way.

His anxious owners launched a search for their pet, and had given up hope of finding him when they received a call from their friends in Casola.

As a hunting dog, the Dachshund – a breed whose average height is 8-9 inches at the shoulder – was no doubt guided by his great sense of smell, as well as his strong bond with Lilly, of course.


18 Comments on Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

  1. It happens.

    I’ve had some boyfriend/girlfriend pairings among my cats: Sitzie and Indy (1984-1996), Mindy and Mickey (2000-2006). My current two, Sasha and Yong, are both male but definitely besties.

    Once I saw a cat at the curb of a street in my old Brooklyn neighborhood. He was obviously very upset and crying loudly. Upon further inspection, it appeared that he was keening over the body of his little friend, who had probably been hit by a car.

  2. I have 2 of them and can attest to the sensitivity of their smellers, it’s quite remarkable. I’ve seen critters in the front yard one day where the dogs normally don’t go. Then a day or two later if they’re out for some reason, the dogs follow the exact same path.

  3. HELLS YEAH! Dachshunds Uber Alles! Best. Thread. Ever.

    Mary Jane Anklestraps you are by far my favorite lady here at IOTWR. I have always had dachshunds in my life – Sir Ralph the Vicious, Coco, Cujo, Maxine of the Long Red Hair – as soon as my fiancee moves here we are getting married and we’re getting a girl dachshund. She shall be named Augustina – short for Auggie Doggie. 🙂

    So tell us, does your Badger Dog get under the covers, lay against your legs and then extend her little legs, thereby shoving you out of the bed?

  4. Aawwwww! Brought tears to my eyes. So glad the dog made it safely. Could have been killed.

    I have had two Daschund’s. Mandy and Speedy. I love all animals, domestic and wild.

    Animals are smarter than humans.

  5. Aw shucks, thanks. heehee.

    Auggie Doggie! haha. Love it.
    Well, in my case, Lady places her feet on my side and falls fast asleep. Then she starts kicking. LOL.
    And she developed allergies so she tends to snore now, too.

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