AirBnB Will Invest $100,000 to Advertise Rentals in ‘Sh#thole Countries’ – IOTW Report

AirBnB Will Invest $100,000 to Advertise Rentals in ‘Sh#thole Countries’

Paul Joseph Watson – youtube



Breitbart: The CEO of popular home rental app AirBnB has promised to invest $100,000 in advertising for rentals available in Kenya, Ghana, and Haiti which have reportedly been referred to as “shithole countries” by President Trump. reports that AirBnB has promised to spend $100,000 to advertising AirBnB rental locations in countries such as Kenya, Ghana, and Haiti after a recent report claimed that President Trump referred to some of those countries as “shitholes.” There has been much debate over whether or not President Trump did, in fact, make these comments, but AirBnB has decided to defend countries that they feel may have been spoken poorly of by advertising rentals in those locations. AirBnB claims that 75,000 hosts in these locations earned as much as $170 million in 2017 and stated that they want to “encourage more travelers to visit these special and beautiful places,” as part of “our mission to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.”

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky highlighted several AirBnB locations available for rent in these areas via Twitter:  more

33 Comments on AirBnB Will Invest $100,000 to Advertise Rentals in ‘Sh#thole Countries’

  1. If you want to see what it’s like to tromp all over common folk, then these destinations are for you. AirBnB won’t put you in a typical dwelling – having customers die from disease or violence isn’t good for business – but with the upper crust of these places.

    After you enjoy a relatively safe meal and place to sleep, you can drive around the countryside and visit garbage dumps, slums and ramshackle tenements. Don’t worry about having to find a public restroom – just go anywhere. Or just spend all of your time with the 1%ers of those nations and enjoy the fruits of corruption while watching the majority of poor and oppressed people from a distance. I would recommend visiting the ports and shore areas where you can watch desperate folks trying to escape these non-shitholes.

    And if you’re really saavy, you can raise the money for the cost of the trip by promising, but not delivering, some sort of humanitarian aid just like the Clintons.

  2. as part of “our mission to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.”

    What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine, to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities.

    Also please realize that perverts install pinhole cameras throughout their “Airbnbs” and sell the footage on darkweb to pederasts and shit fetishists.

    Commie-fag-junkie Truth.

  3. If they aren’t S*holes than how come no celebrities that ranted about how they would leave the USA if Trump was elected named Haiti or any African country as their destination.

  4. Book your vacation at Poor Lazlo’s Destination Resorts!
    Poor Lazlo’s Shithole Vacations get you right into the Shithole Culture you desire!
    Poor Lazlo’s Shithole Vacations resorts have fully functional medical facilities for the treatment of any diseases contracted during your stay. We have more in stock antibiotics than any other facility! Our Doctors have experience in Tuberculosis, Cholera, diptheria, measles, and all three Hepetitus strains!
    Poor Lazlo’s Shithole Vacations offers fifty foot walls around the resort so you can take a ‘breather’ from all that culture you’re exposing yourself to.
    We offer the highest level of sanitary refuge available from your Artisan Vacation, offering you the best of both worlds:
    Play in a Third World Shithole by day, Relax in a First World Sanctuary at night

  5. Wait a minute. As I said before, those pictures look an awful lot like what is left after a democRAT or leftist gathering/protest. They love creating shitholes and cluttering the USA with them.

    The left isn’t mad at what THEY say President Trump said; they are pissed that he jerked another rug off their cesspool ideology.

    Like cockroaches caught in the light, they scatter to microphones and the insane MSM, to divert attention until they can gain cover, again.

  6. TIME MAGAZINE (I think) had an exposé on Haiti a while back, maybe in the 90s.

    The photo montage was WORSE than I could have imagined. After a rainstorm, a view from above showed the GARBAGE AND WASTE RUN-OFF discoloring blob in the ocean around it. –as if it was an oil tanker spill.

    The interior was literally walking naked and bare foot through an open SEWER and LANDFILL, all at the same time.

    Just a filthy disgusting SHITHOLE. The people absolutely have no natural human inclination to clean, preserve, maintain anything. So the house is 1/2 falling down? No problem, live on the 1/2 that is NOT falling down.


  7. Since Dick Durbin was the source of Trump’s alleged “shithole” comment, I propose we send Durbin to Haiti on a fact finding commission.

    I am putting a crowd funding page together for this purpose call “Let’s put our Dick in Haiti.”

  8. $100,000 for ads? Great, better put about $1 billion into a legal fund to defend against all the lawsuits from clients who get raped, robbed, etc in those lovely “vacation spots”.

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