Airsoft in the Head- Student arrested for posting pic of toy gun on Snapchat – IOTW Report

Airsoft in the Head- Student arrested for posting pic of toy gun on Snapchat


Woodbridge, Connecticut – A teenage boy was arrested and detained for the crime of posting a photo on social media of a toy gun he received as a birthday gift. Despite the fact that the photo included a “Warning” sticker on the gun, which stated that it was a toy, the student was suspended from school and treated as a criminal.

As a senior at Amity High Regional School, Zach Cassidento said he did not think he was doing anything wrong when he received a new airsoft gun for his birthday and posted a photo of it on Snapchat.

The toy was in Cassidento’s home and he did not have any intention of bringing it to school or using it harm anyone. In fact, the only message on the photo was the words “Have a Nice Day,” which were part of the gun’s design, and a warning sticker stating that it is a toy gun.

I didn’t want to put any words and someone misinterpret it as a threat so I figured I posted this picture on my own time, on my property,” Cassidento told WTNH News.


How come guns that are black and scary upset the left.

This is black and scary and they love her–>

23 Comments on Airsoft in the Head- Student arrested for posting pic of toy gun on Snapchat

  1. What the hell is it going to take for parents to get their kids out of public school?
    I’d sue them into oblivion but first my kid would be removed from public school.

  2. Not surprised coming from the shit-hole state of Connecticut. No empathy for anyone living in CT, CO, CA and the rest. Frickin, stupid morons all from complete shit-hole states.

  3. From the linked article:

    “Zach Cassidento was suspended from Amity Regional High School for one day for “disrupting the educational process,”…”

    Zach didn’t “disrupt the educational process”. The mentally retarded school administrators are the boobs guilty of that supposed transgression.

    And the cops that didn’t bother to find out that it was an airsoft gun before falsely arresting him for posting a picture of a toy (with no threatening message of any kind), and then falsely obtaining a warrant to search his house should all be arrested for kidnapping among other crimes and locked up for a good long time.

    If the government stooges that constantly do this kind of crap had to suffer the consequences of their thuggish and immoral behavior, this kind of nonsense would stop. This is just more evidence that you don’t have to do anything morally wrong or illegal to have your freedom wrongly snatched from you in today’s “law enforcement / justice” system.

  4. Brad, I do believe in my lifetime there will be a civil war. You can only keep pushing people into a corner for so long. We have idiots wanting to strip us of our rights, we have politicians going out of their way to do opposite of what their constituents want. They don’t even bother to hide any of it anymore.

  5. The school is the one disrupting the education process by focusing on birthday gifts instead of teaching. I’d be finding out who called the cops in the first place and then sue the school and police department. It is illegal to question a minor without the parents knowledge and a children’s advocate present.

  6. Another example of the anti gun conditioning pounded into the youth. They have been manipulated like this for some time and it needs to stop. Why aren’t we removing these treacherous swine from our school systems? This constant browbeating will be nearly impossible to reverse.

  7. I dislike the liberals Bull Shiitt, forced your anti-gun beliefs on NON-VIOLENT RESIDENTS of the greatest FREE nation on earth. We are free because we have a constitution & a bill of rights, like no other nation. Gofundme for a great lawyer and PUCK EVERYONE OF THEM, Take everything from them. Contact the NRA and the TOY maker for advice & support. Don’t except a letter from any guilty person, group, administration or the local police. Many crimes have been committed to this Child without probable cause. Maybe an illegal search of the House. Puck the liberals back.

  8. Really, I hate the idea of bringing in lawyers, but I would be looking to sue every individual and entity that perpetrated this crime against my son.
    Also, there was no mention of a warrant for any of these searches. If they were illegal, what else would be the recourse?

    Also, even if this student has had issues in the past with the administration or police, this is ridiculous overreaction because the Florida officials were idiots in their dismissal of all kinds of warnings about the Parkland shooter.

  9. Any more news from Connecticut on that black, racist scumbag school teacher, Carl Lemon? The guy waiting for the go-ahead from the black panthers to start killing White People? Have they searched his house yet? Is he out on bail? Is he still teaching? Anyone?

  10. Parkland school shooting started the day the school district, police department started the Pease program, championed by the Obama administration, the design of this program is to stop the pipe line of school house to jail house. Nice liberal thinking. The fault of this is, 1) the school district received grant money from the federal government after a year on this program by showing a substantial decrease in arrests of kids and or suspension from the school. 2) The school managed most of the crimes in house on some nice talk group counseling for their miss-deeds, violation of school policy, selling drugs, bring knifes or ammunition to the school, fighting, gang activity. Every year less crime was reported to keep the grant money comming. 3) The police officers that worked at the school followed his or her marching orders given by the sheriff but failed as a police officer by not following the laws of the state or federal laws? 4) The shooter should have been arrested multiple time before the shooting for his actions (fighting, bringing knifes and ammunition on school amoung other crimes) this if filed correctly would have prevented him from getting his hands on a gun by legal means, this is our national system, if back door programs allow him get a gun legally then ALL persons, groups or administrations are at fault. 5) These kids were killed for money for school grants from the obama administration. The lack of proper actions from the Police at the shooters house looks like this program is extended to the local community (the kids house)? Yes the police office should have gone in and killed the shooter. This is secondary to this program. I suggest to all who are living in hell for the grave loss of your child, hold the people who approved this program accountable.

  11. “Then they called me because I had to meet them at my home to have five officers come into my home and search my house.”

    ..because a (legal) photo of an airsoft rifle (also legal) comes off as a pretext to assume all kinds of supposedly lawful actions by the state.

    To me, this is where rubber meets road. Did mom consent to a search of the home? Are these IIA advocates playing at poking Connecticut? Don’t get me wrong – Connecticut richly deserves to be brought to heel, but I think there’s more to this story.

  12. “… A teenage boy was arrested and detained …”

    What was the crime?
    Sue for false arrest?
    Sue the school for interfering in a student’s life outside the school?

    Where is the ACLU and the SPLC?

    THIS is exactly why the 2nd Amendment was amended to our Constitution.

    izlamo delenda est …


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