Al Qaeda leader warns of ‘gravest consequences’ if Boston bomber executed – IOTW Report

Al Qaeda leader warns of ‘gravest consequences’ if Boston bomber executed

In other words,  business as usual. Carry on.

-Reuters: Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri has warned the United States of the “gravest consequences” if zawahri Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev or any other Muslim prisoner is executed.

Tsarnaev, named in a new online video message from Zawahri, was sentenced last year to death by lethal injection for the 2013 bomb attack, which killed three people and injured more than 260.

“If the U.S. administration kills our brother the hero Dzhokhar Tsarnaev or any Muslim, it … will bring America’s nationals the gravest consequences,” Zawahri said.

Zawahri, who became al Qaeda’s leader after U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, urged Muslims to take captive as many Westerners as possible, especially those whose countries had joined the “Crusaders’ Campaign led by the United States”.  more

18 Comments on Al Qaeda leader warns of ‘gravest consequences’ if Boston bomber executed

  1. Well Obama is the president that loves killing people with drones so I guess we’ve already killed a Muslim on his watch. Put the guy in a dress and publicly execute him.

  2. Shit, never happen. With all the appeals Tsarnaev gets, it will be 20 years minimum, before he gets the needle. I wouldn’t be surprised if our faggot leader gives him a presidential pardon at the same time he pardons Hillary, of course.

  3. Tough guy on his keyboard-he’s doing nothing more then inciting the scum here to walk into a Wendys and declare the dead are in retribution for blahblahblah.

    President MM would find this guy tonight and he would never see another sunrise.

  4. What these sheep shaggers fail to understand is that we American’s, the true ones, would take this plaque out in ten minutes if we didn’t have one of Them occupying the main office.

  5. I guess if we treat the terrorists real nice then it will just be business as usual with bombings and shooting massacres and airliners flying in the office window but if we execute one of them they’re going go full barbarian on us. Got it!!

    What a convoluted world the progressives have created. Obama and his cabal are importing terrorists by the thousands to intimidate, terrorize, control, and kill their domestic opponents (that’s us). It seems that the majority of the people killed are supporters of the cabal that are enabling the terrorists but that’s alright as long as they have their gun free zones and safe spaces and the government checks keep coming and nobody messes with their victim status.

  6. Those goat-fucking filth in al Qaeda don’t have the balls to nuke Washington DC, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City (twice), Los Angeles, Miami, and whatever golf course Obama is on that day.

    I dare them to do it.

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