Al Shabab Terrorist Attack: Muzzie Sucked Out of Plane Mid-Air – IOTW Report

Al Shabab Terrorist Attack: Muzzie Sucked Out of Plane Mid-Air

It’s Raining Muz – Hallelujah

Nairobi // A suspected suicide bomber who blew a hole in the fuselage of a Daallo Airlines plane and forced it to make an emergency landing in Mogadishu last week was meant to be on a Turkish Airlines flight, the Daallo chief executive said on Monday.


Here’s the hole he was sucked out of after he set off an explosion.

The blast ripped a hole in the fuselage of the Daallo Airlines plane shortly after it took off from Somalia’s main airport, killing the suspected bomber and forcing an emergency landing.

The bomber was sucked out of the plane through the one-metre wide hole when the blast ripped open the pressurised cabin in mid-air, officials said. The pilot landed the plane in the Somali capital, from where it had taken off. Two of the 74 passengers were slightly injured.

No group has so far taken responsibility for the attack but a US government source said Washington suspects Islamist group Al Shabab, which is aligned to Al Qaeda, was responsible for the attack.


18 Comments on Al Shabab Terrorist Attack: Muzzie Sucked Out of Plane Mid-Air

  1. My wife and I suspected that it was a bomb, even though the initial report suspected that it was something that had happened OUTSIDE the plane.
    Thank goodness no one else was killed or seriously hurt.

  2. “No group has so far taken responsibility for the attack” so let me spell it out for you: It was a member of the MUSLIM GROUP, the ISLAM GROUP, the GROUP OF SAVAGES THAT READ THE QURAN, the GROUP OF PSYCHOTIC MANIACS THAT WORSHIP MOHAMMED (Pedophelia Be Upon Him)

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