Al Sharpton to save Baltimore – IOTW Report

Al Sharpton to save Baltimore

Maybe stop by the IRS and put a check through the mail slot.

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Fear Not Baltimore, Al Sharpton is on the Way!

Like Superman spotting the Bat Signal in the night sky, Al Sharpton is rushing to Baltimore to help heal the hurt done by Trump by…I guess, being there?? I don’t know.

By now all y’all have surely heard of the sh*t storm over DJT’s perceived insult of Elijah ‘Bullett Head” Cummings (D-MD) and the top 10 rat-infested city he represents. No one is sure why the left is making the rat infestation issue a racial one, especially when Baltimore’s leaders admit that it’s a problem themselves, and there was even a film made about the problem. But the show must go on. Like rats, democrats came out of the woodwork to label the President a racist.

Money says Rev. Al will stand on a soapbox, gather people behind him, and make it seem like he’s giving a speech to a large crowd about how racism has no place in America and orange man bad. Yes, duty called and Sharpton answered. He hopped on a plane as soon as he heard about it.

Upon his arrival in the Capitol City, he tweeted, “Arrived in DC from Atlanta, headed to Baltimore. Long day, but can’t stop.” Baltimore residents must have heaved a collective sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God. Reverend Sharpton is on his way.” And I’m sure he hopes he’s more welcome than last time he brought his roadshow to Charm City. 

Here’s a sample of the responses to the news of Sharpton’s arrival 


25 Comments on Al Sharpton to save Baltimore

  1. This asshole cheared on his taxes to the tune of MILLIONS. Obama saw to it there was no IRS enforcement. Now this scumbag is coming to a democrat rathole to dig it deeper. Will the blacks surrendering to the democrat plantation go for it?

    Al sharpton and cummings are the ultimate uncle toms, aren’t they!

  2. The Reverend needs a new Cadillac,,,
    Lighting a candle for a random act of violence for his turn at the Golden BB, just like the one he and Jesse stepped out of the way for MLK.
    ‘Please President Lincoln take my seat’.


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