Alabama Fugitives Caught, Jail Boss Takes Her Own Life – IOTW Report

Alabama Fugitives Caught, Jail Boss Takes Her Own Life


A former Alabama jail official on the run with a murder suspect she was accused of helping escape shot and killed herself Monday as authorities caught up with the pair after more than a week of searching, officials said. The man she fled with surrendered.

The death of Vicky White, 56, only deepened the mystery of why a respected jail official would leave everything to help free Casey White, 38, a hulking inmate with a violent and frightening history. More

53 Comments on Alabama Fugitives Caught, Jail Boss Takes Her Own Life

  1. “What in the world provoked her, prompted her to pull a stunt like this? I don’t know. I don’t know if we’ll ever know,” Singleton said.”

    Horny. Chicks dig cavemen. She got the itch for this particular one. Don’t really need to look deeper than that.

    Don’t get mad at me, I didn’t design female lust. See God and/or the devil for a fuller explanation.

  2. I have an associate who is a retired prison psychologist from a maximum-security prison. He once remarked that female employees from various job placings, fall in love with prisoners quite often. Generally speaking, they just get fired before it gets to this point. Some women really do like bad boys, I guess.

  3. (From Shawshank Redemption)
    “His Judgement Cometh, And That Right Soon”

  4. Alabama Fugitives Caught, Jail Boss Takes Her Own Life

    I think this is how every situation like this should end. No trials, no lawyers, no judges, no dirty laundry. Out of sight out of mind.

  5. @SNS: I took one look at the guy and wondered if the woman was blind. That guy could take off and fly with those ears! He’s one butt ugly dude, and probably was puffed up that a female was interested in him.

  6. Goldenfoxx
    MAY 10, 2022 AT 5:01 PM
    “I took one look at the guy and wondered if the woman was blind.”

    …love looks not with the eyes, you tend to love the one your with, and girls like bad boys.

    I don’t know why, just that it is.

    You’re a lady, you would understand it better than I…

  7. @SNS May 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm

    > See God and/or the devil for a fuller explanation.

    You! Yes, you xir! Talk to the dead guy! Talk to the mythical hero guy! Talk to the founding xather dude! Who, I’m just obeying orders from! Not at all because they “agree” with me! I “agree” with them!

    If you can dig their bones up… and convince them to agree that they were wrong… so they issue new orders… well… I’ll gladly find some other dead… imaginary… heroic… person to follow. Now, go convince them.

  8. Fnucky, ain’t you ever sober?

    The fudge are you goin’ off about? Some fat skirt tried to eat a .38. Ain’t no agreein’ with anybody about anything.

    As for God and the Debil….I dunno’ Horatio. But there seems to be more in heaven and earf than can be contained within your philosophy.

    Also, calm the fudge down. We don’t do hysterics here. Nitrous oxide. Yes. Hysteria. No.

    Do some hot yoga. Read Batman. Whatever it takes.

  9. There is a show called 90 Day Fiancé. It is not unusual for some overweight middle-aged white chick to become engaged to some virile young man of color from some African of Middle-Eastern country. You know they guy is just looking for a green card. But what are the women thinking?

    It does happen the other way. In those cases it is usually a rich middle-aged guy and some sweet young thing from a poor country.

    There is an episode of Star Trek where McCoy says something along the lines of “Maybe Spock is right and we should stop thinking with our glands.”

  10. Burr, soothing sounds at gunpoint
    MAY 10, 2022 AT 7:20 PM

    “As for God and the Debil….I dunno’ Horatio. But there seems to be more in heaven and earf than can be contained within your philosophy.”

    …As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood, disasters in the sun, not to mention moistness in her shorts that led her to do extremely stupid things.

    Shakespeare didn’t design the system either. Word has it that God did the base programming and the devil corrupted it.

    One of those two made firey loins the downfall of men and women, either as a test or just to be an asshole. I think that philosophy fits the facts rather well.

    Its just a damn shame folks can’t rise above their crotches.

    A fact Democrats capitalize on rather well.

    …and we all know who THEY wprk for…

  11. RadioMattM
    MAY 10, 2022 AT 7:42 PM

    “There is an episode of Star Trek where McCoy says something along the lines of “Maybe Spock is right and we should stop thinking with our glands.””

    …original series Captain Kirk?

    No chance.

    But he generally could turn it off when it came time for the cuddling.

    Probably helped that a lot of his gals were dead by the end of the episode…

  12. An intellectual is someone who has discovered something more interesting than sex.

    Out of an entire planet crammed full of interesting and dead useful junk….this skirt thought she had discovered a talking penis.


    The absolute worst, amirite?

  13. 1

    Burr, this looks promising
    MAY 10, 2022 AT 9:32 PM


    The absolute worst, amirite?”

    ..only OTHER people.

    ALSO a philosophy.

    “Hell is other people.”

    -Jean-Paul Sartre, ‘No Exit’.

  14. Typical Frog. Projecting his inadequacies onto the world.

    Hell is not other people. Hell is the weakness and fear inside you.

    Also….talking penisis seem kinda’ hellish.

  15. @Burr, soothing sounds at gunpoint May 10, 2022 at 7:20 pm

    > The fudge are you goin’ off about?

    Our (especially our collectively individual) refusal to accept the evil among us. As evil. So that we can judge not. Lest we be judged.

  16. Fnuckford, we specifically went over vengeance, justice, authoritarianism and individual responsibilities….

    Which evil are we missing? Abrahamic evil or just general Evil that afflicts the world so?

    either way the answer is BATMAN.

  17. Good call, skinny Leprechaun. I would have gone with, ‘the debil inside’ by INXS or possibly Hope Sandoval with Massive Attack singing Paradise Circus per the Gui Borrato dance remix.

    Either way I think the evil we’re missing…….is US!!!!!


    That can’t be it. All we do is pick the scabs on our own foibles.

    No…this is a mystery wrapped in a egg mom deep fried in butter.

    Hopefully Fnucky will set us straight before damnation….or, in the immortal words of every sinner everywhere….. “IT DO GO DOWN!”

  18. No….that doesn’t work…… I like Fnucky. Any dude from India who goes through all the trouble of date raping google translate on a daily basis is all right by me. It shows moxie.

    No….Fnucky is like……. we had this Filipino chef with the company, gret chef. Yummy foor. Was constantly bitching about something. No idea what. Possibly the boat was sinking or we were in danger of pirate attack. No clue.

    Damn that guy could make an omelette.

    Not sure if Fnucky is familiar with my personal philosophy on life.

  19. Burr, mumbling balls
    MAY 10, 2022 AT 10:21 PM
    “I’m not…………

    I’m not clicking on either link.”

    …but on mine, Richard Pryor has a heart-to-heart with his penis!

    You do NOT want to miss THAT…

    MAY 10, 2022 AT 10:23 PM
    “stupid question of the evening: is the plural of ‘penis’ ‘peni’?”

    …I like it spelled “penii”, it seems more Latin that way, and we all know what trouble Julius Caesar and Mark Antony’s penii got them into with the sane woman…

  21. Burr, upper middle management…..OF HELL
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 12:24 AM

    Cripes. We’ve moved on to Fnuckys concept of good and evil.”

    …but hell is kept stocked because of the evil that penii do.

    People have broken every commandment to satiate a stiff dick.

    Many women have ridden a hardon to hell.

    Even David, the apple of God’s eye, couldn’t keep his jimmy down when he saw the dew sparkling on married Bathsheba’s breasts, and murdered a loyal employee so’s he could pork his old lady in peace.

    …evil can be less a fishhook in the mind than a coathook in the pants, is all I’m sayin’…

  22. Loco – In Windows: [Windows key] [period] causes a pop-up. Position your cursor first.

    (I was waiting for someone (like Burr) to say “That wouold make him an ‘alumnus fungus amongus.’)


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