Alabama Signs Into Law Chemical Castration Bill That Targets Child Sex Offenders – IOTW Report

Alabama Signs Into Law Chemical Castration Bill That Targets Child Sex Offenders

Epoch Times: Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) signed a bill into law late June 10 that would require child sex offenders to be chemically castrated as a condition of parole.

Gov. Kay Ivey’s press office said the bill is to take effect later this year. The measure applies to sex offenders convicted of certain crimes involving children younger than 13.

The House Bill 379 (HB379) was passed by the Alabama State Legislature last week, calling for mandatory “chemical castration in addition to any other penalty or condition prescribed by law.”

The sex offenders would also have to pay for their own chemical castration before being released from state custody and they “may not be denied parole based solely on his or her inability to pay for the costs associated with the treatment.”

The chemical castration procedure involves taking a drug, “medroxyprogesterone acetate or its chemical equivalent” either by tablets or injection, to suppress or block the body from producing the hormone testosterone. The treatments would be administered by the Alabama Department of Public Health.

The new law mandates that the child sex offender has to start the treatment within a month of their release from custody and have to continue the treatment until the court determines that it is no longer necessary.  more here

9 Comments on Alabama Signs Into Law Chemical Castration Bill That Targets Child Sex Offenders

  1. I’m in favor of something less reversible. The recidivism rate for these molesters is off the charts. So should the solution! You are not going to change their minds, so remove the equipment.

  2. …I did the long form of this in an earlier thread, how rape is more psychological than physical, more about domination than sex, and how a rapist deprived of his penis will only use a tool instead and will continue to rape, as I used to see when ambulancing rape patients to the hospital.

    Because of this, while noble, this will NOT work, they will still rape, just not with the penis.

    Here’s the short form.

    The only way to actually STOP a child molester is a bullet to the head.

    Because that’s where the problem REALLY is.

    And they DON’T get better.

  3. …will this apply to Muslims, too? If so, I would advise reviewing all Muslim “Marriages” and applying this solution to the ones who take a 9-year old “Bride” BEFORE their “wedding night”…


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