Alarm Bells Sounding in D.C. As Mass Firings Loom – IOTW Report

Alarm Bells Sounding in D.C. As Mass Firings Loom


This op-ed published in Politico is intended to sound the alarm about President Donald Trump fundamentally destroying the system of career civil service agents in Washington DC, and it’s also a little funny.

I mean, if you built an echo-chamber ideological in magnitude and scale, then self-isolated inside the DC beltway barrier, this would be exactly the type of alarm to follow. More

24 Comments on Alarm Bells Sounding in D.C. As Mass Firings Loom

  1. WE ARE BANKRUPT. We cannot afford all those expensive, useless, unnecessary bureaucrats. Time to scale the government back to bare essentials, start paying down our debt. For real entertainment, ask the employees who is frivolous, useless, unessential, and can be let go. HOO doggies would that be fun! Start with the department of communist education.

  2. ^^^ And the Dept. of Energy. And the Dept. of Commerce. And the State Department. And the Dept. of Health and Human Services. And Dept. of Homeland Security… Oh, God. I can’t type any more.

  3. boron – wholeheartedly agree. I left it off because it was Wylie1’s first choice (above). I also would like to summarily ‘lay off’ at least 100,000 Federal employees for starters. Of course, that would help crap the inflated economy – which needs about a million laxative tablets to dump all the shit that’s been piling up under Biden!

  4. “Trump should bring Vivek in as ‘Czar of eliminations’. He knows what to cut.”

    Our one and only IOTWr Czar of Defenestration would say his name was meant for such a thing.

    1. the action of throwing someone out of a window

    Example: death by defenestration has a venerable history

    2. the action or process of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority

    Example: that victory resulted in Churchill’s own defenestration by the war-weary British electorate

  5. problem is: everyone talks about it; nobody does anything about it. We learned in 2020 that we can’t vote our way out of it, they control the polling machinery.
    Anybody have the plans for Monseiur Joseph-Ignace’s apparatus?

  6. @ General Malaise – it won’t crap the economy, because none of those jobs produced a whit of value, and in fact some of them likely were counterproductive. Even paying a handsome severance would save a ton of money within the year.
    Milei knows that. And Argentina will prove it.

  7. Go back to see how big the Federal government was after Calvin Coolidge decimated DC back in the 1920s and adjust today’s numbers to match the same ratio w/r/t the population (except for the military). Focus on eliminating alphabet agencies which really don’t result in anything positive for the populous. Make sure the bloated leadership of these agencies get the axe first.
    Remember stories about the ROARING 20’s? We could repeat that this century!
    Side story: Once a woman bet President Coolidge (Silent Cal) she could make him say more than two words. He looked her in the eye and said “You loose”.


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