Alaska May Have to Reconsider An Ice Floe Plan – IOTW Report

Alaska May Have to Reconsider An Ice Floe Plan

The news out of Alaska on the effects Obamacare is having on premiums is pretty grim. Case in point, Premera is asking the state to raise premiums 38.7% next year. That’s because roughly 1 percent of its policy holders account for $10.6 million in claims. The insurer has inherited those who used to be in the State’s high-risk pool and now has to cover them with only 8,484 total members to spread the cost.


“Hey, everybody, who’s up for paying almost 40% more for health insurance next year? Where do you healthy people think you’re going? Come back, we need you!!!”


7 Comments on Alaska May Have to Reconsider An Ice Floe Plan

  1. one of the comments…As long as health care is in the clutches of soulless corporations our health care will be more expensive and inferior to most of the developed world.
    Reply · · 12 · 3 hours ago

    you just cant discuss this with people this stupid. He should be one of the first on the ice flo

  2. @charlie.w.o.w –

    As long as health care is in the clutches of soulless bureaucrats and their crony corporations our health care will be more expensive and inferior to most of the developed socialist world.

    There. I fixed the commie commentators comment.

  3. Charliewalksonwater, we don’t even have a million people in the entire state, so if they think that’s the only increase we would see, they might have been on the trail too long.

    I like this comment: “In other words, let’s just double-down on stupid, right?”

  4. Lol, doubling down on stupid must be a plank in the left’s platform.

    Math is probably the worst enemy of the left. When reality catches up with the rhetoric the ill-laid plans always fall apart.

    It’s not entirely out of the question to throw someone out of the lifeboat if they keep drilling holes in the bottom to let bilge water out.

  5. I love the lifeboat analogy. If you are carrying Brass, Silver and Gold , the weight will soon get too heavy and you will HAVE to stop the idiots from drilling holes in the bottom of the boat. A person has to be insane to be a progressive.

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