Albany DA criminally investigating Cuomo, asks ‘any victim’ of New York governor sexual harassment to contact office – IOTW Report

Albany DA criminally investigating Cuomo, asks ‘any victim’ of New York governor sexual harassment to contact office

But if he murdered your parents or grandparents, they’re not interested.
It’s cheaper for NY to pay off the alleged sexual harassment victims than the families of his nursing home victims.
That’s why they want him gone.

Did they have the same idea for Michigan gov. Whitmer? She has a nursing home situation, too.
She’s been quiet since the FBI kidnapping plot failed.

It’s getting dangerous out there.

The district attorney of Albany County, New York, said Tuesday that his office is criminally investigating Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has been accused of sexually harassing multiple women.

DA David Soares also said his office would “welcome any victim to contact our office with additional information” about Cuomo.

And Soares said he plans to request investigative materials from the state attorney general’s probe of his alleged harassment of 11 women, most of whom work or had worked for state government or related entities.

News of the criminal investigation came hours after Attorney General Letitia James detailed a report substantiating the women’s claims that Cuomo has subjected them to unwanted touching and remarks that make them uncomfortable. more

10 Comments on Albany DA criminally investigating Cuomo, asks ‘any victim’ of New York governor sexual harassment to contact office

  1. …well, seeing as how he fucked every man, woman, and child in this nation by pushing the COVID lies as far and as fast as possible, maybe we should ALL get ahold of this chick because I certainly didn’t want to get screwed by him, maybe YOU didn’t either, so perhaps we should get in on this and the class action suit to follow…

  2. David Soares is just a stalking horse for future NY Governor Letitia James. A picador to her matador. This political pageantry is such stylized bullshit. Get on with it, assholes. Make your deals and ease the Green Mountain Killer into his comfortable retirement. We know there will be no jail time, and this show has grown tiresome.

  3. There are criminal investigations and then there are criminal wink “investigations” wink, wink. The Democrat Party with a supporting roll from establishment Republicans is all about theatrics.

  4. “… his office would “welcome any victim to contact our office …””

    As much as I despise Neanderthal Andy, that sounds like a fishing expedition.
    He should be put to death for murdering the folks in nursing homes (when found guilty, of course), not fiddling with this bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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