Alec Baldwin Punches Girl Heckler – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin Punches Girl Heckler

29 Comments on Alec Baldwin Punches Girl Heckler

  1. As tempting as it was, He didn’t shoot her.
    A man of restraint.
    You know he’s a recovering murderer, he’s trying to turn his life around by attending Murderers Anonymous weekly meetings.

  2. Yes, he is a worthless human-being, always has been, always will be.
    His greatest enjoyment is knowing that no one else is fucking with his inability to deal with society.

  3. He was half way out the door why didn’t he just walk away. Yes she was annoying but he shouldn’t have hit her. He was waving her to go thru the door before him like let’s take it out on the streets.

  4. That’s the way it is with gunslingers. You get a reputation, and every two-bit greenhorn wants a shoot-out with you. Or at least a punch-out.

    Face it, Quick-draw…You’re a marked man. You’ll be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your miserable life.

  5. I don’t blame him at all. I don’t care much for him, a lifelong democrat, but nobody should be voice assaulted in public like that.

    That camera-totin’ female went on and on harassing him – IMO she asked for it. And got it, a left to the head, and is lucky he didn’t follow it up with a right or a kick to her mid-section.

    He’s made some well-publicized mistakes in his life, like we all have, but luckily non-publicized.


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