Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation


The majority of American Millennials identify as socialist, according to surveys by both Reason-Rupe and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. That’s the bad news. The good news is that just 32 percent of Millennials can define socialism. The frequently-wrong but never-in-doubt freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., may indeed be the voice of her ignorant generation.

During an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Anderson Cooper asked Ocasio-Cortez, “When people hear the word socialism, they think Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela. Is that what you have in mind?” He neglected to mention the vicious socialist regimes of Cambodia, Ethiopia, Poland, Romania, North Korea, and China, among others.

Ocasio-Cortez retorted, “Of course not. What we have in mind—and what of my—and my policies most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.” In fact, her economic proposals bear little resemblance to British and Nordic public policy.

Socialism is an economic disease born of envy and ignorance. Unfortunately both abound in our present politics. The sickness has found an attractive spokeswoman—perhaps, sadly, the voice of her generation.


22 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation

  1. This is the result of a generation of teachers spawned after the founding of the Department of Education by Jimmy the Peanut. By every meaningful measure public education is a failure. Shut down public education and let the private sector compete. It also is the only way to keep from paying to indoctrinate er educate illegals.

  2. Shut down the entire Dept of Education and return that duty to local government where it always belonged legally.

    The Dept of Energy, EPA, FDA SEC are screaming for haircuts as well.

  3. It’s hard to say NO to free shit; free healthcare, free college, free housing. Of course their pea brains short circuit when confronted with the simple fact that someone has to pay for their freeloading.

    Dope de Blasio told us the other day that there is plenty of money, it’s just in the wrong hands. But the redistributors of wealth always ignore that without the fruits of capitalist innovation and business success, there would be no money to redistribute.

    Democrats will keep winning elections because they are the party of the free lunch, that and their proclivities for election fraud.

  4. It would seem to me that a brand new congresscritter might find wisdom in STFU and learn the ropes before spouting off, but not this ignorant know-it-all.
    It’s going to be fun to see her publicly humiliated, I tell you!

  5. Soooooooooooo, is there a correct amount of lipstick for a large mouth bass?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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