Tick Tock- Trump can legally eliminate any government job that has been furloughed for 30 days – IOTW Report

Tick Tock- Trump can legally eliminate any government job that has been furloughed for 30 days

I never use the tick tock motif, but in this case it’s absolutely appropriate. In 5 more days Trump could wave his hand and say any job that has been furloughed due to the shutdown is now permanently vacated. Done. Fini.


Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy?  In only five more days of the already-“longest government shutdown in history” (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don’t believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off?  Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force, and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off —  as in no more job. It is all explained by Michael Roberts here (updated after the beginning of the partial shutdown):


ht/ jmb

39 Comments on Tick Tock- Trump can legally eliminate any government job that has been furloughed for 30 days

  1. One reason Trump is holding off on declaring emergency powers. The shutdown is way more fun and sends the Deep State home.

    They still get back pay for doing nothing, but they weren’t really doing anything productive at work either.

  2. Ooh! Ooh! I’ll believe it when I see it, but it would be sweet if DJT were to swing a big axe when/if we hit 30 days.

    Whacking off big chunks of the FBI would be good. And, I wonder if any of the jobs in the Dept. of Education are considered “essential”?

  3. The wrong areas of the government are shutdown – nobody from HUD, EPA, DOE, AG, etc are affected

    Can you imagine the whole EPA being fired? I cannot believe any job there is essential

  4. A brilliant move it would be if Trump actually took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of a bunch of useless government fat.

    And a Huge “holy crap we didn’t see that coming” from the left if it happens.


    Airports need to handle their own business. They’ll be quicker, tighter and better on security because THEIR own asses will be on the line.

    Each state has its own EPA and NEA type stuff. Enough already. The whole fucking federal government is in triplicate as it is.

  6. Since we have at least 800k “non-essential” workers I am sure many of them could be gone and we would not even notice. Well, except for the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the leftists.


    – Ejumakayshun
    – Energy
    – HUD
    – Commerce
    – Labor
    – HHS
    – Homeland Insecurity
    – and all the Obama tsars!!!
    – and… Interior & Agriculture get combined! WOOT! 😎

    That should save more than enough money… to build a WALL!!! 😀

  8. Hope my buddy in the forestry department keeps his gig. He knows where on government land all the rock…gemstone thingys….minerals? Are?

    Fug if I know. The point is, he knows where those hollow rocks with the crystals inside are. Hippies love that ish’.

  9. “Essential” government employees is a HR term, not a statement of value. For example, the guy who buys artillery for the US Army is pretty darned important. But his job can wait for Monday. Or if there is a snow emergency, he doesn’t need to come into work. so he is classified as “non-essential”, even though the US Army definitely needs to buy artillery ammunition. But the guy who runs the snow plow definitely needs to come in, especially when it is snowing. So, when you say “fire all the non-essential employees” you are in favor of firing some pretty darned useful people.

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