All Dressed Up And You Should Have Stayed At Home – IOTW Report

All Dressed Up And You Should Have Stayed At Home

In a bid to generate attention, (good or bad it doesn’t matter to Madge) Madonna showed up at the Met Gala this year in an assless, braless black and lacy number.



When criticized for her appearance she declared it was a “political statement as well as a fashion statement.”

Something about striking a blow for women’s rights since we’ve done so much for “civil rights” and “gay rights.”


I wonder, did they put a seat cover down before she parked it?

The funny thing is, Madonna didn’t even win for Worst Dressed.  That went to Katy Perry for this beaut that Madonna should of been wearing while proclaiming “It’s the pictures that got small.”



20 Comments on All Dressed Up And You Should Have Stayed At Home

  1. Recently I was in a salon waiting for a haircut and I grabbed the magazine on top of a large stack to read.

    It happened to be a bridal magazine. I was shocked at what wedding gowns have become. In the past couple of years, numerous female celebrities (J-Lo, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian) have been photographed wearing gowns that appear to be constructed of sheer netting, with only sequins and lace appliques to cover certain strategic parts of the body.

    Well, guess what bridal designers are starting to do? Use sheer netting and sequins with appliqued lace to create a trashy look for brides! It isn’t pretty, it’s beyond vulgar.

    I wondering what has happened to the clergy in this country. Most weddings still occur in houses of worship. Why are they letting women stand at the altar looking like tramps?

  2. @ greetings from yonkers:


    But, as I said, the Freemasonic-Marxist-homosexualist infiltrators have purged all of this from the Liturgy, the priesthood and the Church so that you are primed to be rolled by the State and will refuse to fight for Truth, Goodness, Beauty or Justice. Who are you going to follow? Are you going to follow “superfun girly pacifist jesus”, who is really the non-existent imaginary friend of countless homosexual priests and bishops, and a mere fictional propaganda mascot of the Marxist infiltrators, who could not give any less of a crap about you, or whether you end up in heaven or hell? Imaginary “girly jesus” wants to slobber you with kisses so you’ll LIKE HIM, and who, conveniently enough, ratifies and encourages the sin of COWARDICE.

    The brutality of a totalitarian oligarchy is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the cowardice of the men of the non-oligarch “underclass.”

    I am hard-pressed to think of a more cowardly population of men than the men of contemporary Western Christendom; an entire culture of men who are too soft and morally flaccid to even stand up to a bunch of raging, queeny faggots.

    You do the math.

  3. How many Anonymous’s do we have here ? Voice seems to have changed recently. I noticed it especially in regards to Trump yesterday. Perhaps Anonymous is only one person, but a rather vacillating soul. Today a male bashing feminist.

    “Contemporary Western Christian” can mean more than one thing…and while I can agree with the one bit there… the misinformed fake Jesus meme… “Jesus is my boyfriend” meme… yeah that’s stupid and gross.

    Some of bravest men I know are in the one christian church the Roman Catholic Poops have deemed anathema… The LCMS. It is among the very few orthodox Lutheran churches. It rejects the Popes and all their thievery, all of their homosexuality, and all of their lies… The LCMS has a giant percentage of non-liberal, very brave men. I also know men in non-descript various churches and they too are real men, ready to protect women and children, even with bad theology. And I know men who have no church/no theology at all and they are tremendously brave and good men.

    I’m tired of feminists showing up to only put down the men, the men they do not know. Let’s not slather men from all sorts of “churches” with this broad stroke of insults.

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