All the Black Ladies Come Up Front and Listen To the Canadian/Columbian Yoko Ono – IOTW Report

All the Black Ladies Come Up Front and Listen To the Canadian/Columbian Yoko Ono

A  few days ago a story broke about an incident at the Halifax Poop Explosion (not sure that is the name, I’m not wasting any time looking it up to promote these jackholes.)

A “singer” invited all the black women to the front and told the white people to go to the back. A few white people said, “screw you,” particularly a white female photographer hired by the event to take pictures.

The event FIRED HER and issued the most insane apology.

We will not accept this behavior and neither should you … Be responsible for your friends — talk to them and support them as they move towards unpacking their racism. People of Color deserve safe spaces and it is your responsibility to help. It is also ours. To Lido Pimienta: we are sorry that one of our volunteers interrupted your art, your show, and your audience by being aggressive and racist. We have so much respect for the art and music you create and the space you make for women, people of color, transgender, and nonbinary people. The way you interact with the world acts and provides a thoughtful example. You are a role model to us and many people in our community. We see it. We feel it. We hope you will work with us again.

Well, my curiosity got the best of me. I had to hear what this singer sounded like.

What you are about to hear (and I would click it, because it has to be heard to be believed) is some of the worst warbling you’re ever going to hear.

Apparently there is no “intersectionality” between the pitch of her vocals and the key of the music.

Talk about Affirmative Action. This is HORRENDOUS, (and this is coming from someone that will give a fair shake to a talented lefty.)


I’m left wondering why anyone would have to be told to go to the back of the event when she takes the stage.


42 Comments on All the Black Ladies Come Up Front and Listen To the Canadian/Columbian Yoko Ono

  1. Oh gaaah. No. I’d be so far back, I’d be outside in my car driving away. LOL.

    I guess the photog could have stayed in the back and took pics of the back of everyones heads just to prove a point. lol.

  2. I agree with MJA. Move so far back as to actually leave.
    Is the human race becoming more and more tone deaf? Between crap like this and RAP (and all variants), we, as a species, will be as atonal as a rock in 1 or 2 generations.
    Bach, Mozart, and Ray Charles hardest hit…..

  3. Glutton for punishment that I am, I went to the beginning. Some chick at the 1:07 mark is posing with a ball of yarn on her head. Later on she sways a little bit. Must be meeting the conditions for probation or rehab with art therapy – I can’t think of any other reason for doing that voluntarily. Besides, isn’t it racist to put wool on the black girl’s hair?

    organgrinder, if my dog were still alive, she’d probably bark at me for imposing something so dreadful on the house.

  4. “How the fuck does someone sing in a 4 note range and still manage to be off key.”

    I guess I’d be more curious about who would show up to watch her let alone pay to watch her. That sucked. Maybe she was trying to protect the white womenz ability to hear. Yeah, that’s it.

  5. If you hadn’t told me what this was, I’d have thought it was a bunch of teen girls with no musical ability, doing a video for their high school ‘social justice’ class.

    BFH, your comment about being off-key in a 4-note range nearly got my laptop sprayed with Coke Zero. One of these days I’ll remember to stop drinking when reading this site.

  6. This is what an Antifa world looks like.

    Opposite day every day.

    Fascists call everyone else fascist. No more simple truth of “men and women”. Vile destructive behavior is peace. No talent is talent.

  7. Gee. It sure woulda been nicer if she’d been able to
    hold to at least the Western-oppressive notion of
    when she “sings.”

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