“Allahu Akhbar” and Guns — Panic on the Vienna Subway – IOTW Report

“Allahu Akhbar” and Guns — Panic on the Vienna Subway

GatesOfVienna: There was chaos yesterday on the U-bahn in Vienna as several high-spirited “youths” terrorized passengers with guns and “Allahu Akhbar!”

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this piece from the Kronen Zeitung:

Young Migrants Trigger Mass Panic in Vienna Subway

Incident on Monday afternoon in the Vienna Subway: A group of young migrants near the U3 station Schweglergasse started to yell “Allahu Akhbar” according to a witness — and pulled out pistols. Panic broke out among the passengers — but one courageous witness promptly intervened.

Amer Albayati, a well known terror expert for the Krone [newspaper], also witnessed the incident. Four youths with migration backgrounds were yelling in Arabic and brandishing pistols — they may have been “airsoft guns”. Shots were heard.  MORE

10 Comments on “Allahu Akhbar” and Guns — Panic on the Vienna Subway

  1. ““Allahu Akhbar” and Guns — Panic on the Vienna Subway”
    “Air Soft Guns”

    My first thought were the little bastards are lucky that took place in France because if it happened here I would have pulled my smoke wagon and! And gone to jail. Been sued by everyone. Identified by the liberal media for retaliation. I’m not sure we’re any better off.

  2. Anyone yelling this in public should be immediately shot. This shout proceeds every terrorist attack. Waiting to see their intentions isnt worth the risk. I cant see any prosecutor filing on anyone who shoots one of these morons. Fast and terminal action can save lives

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