Allman Brothers’ Butch Trucks dies of self-inflicted gunshot – IOTW Report

Allman Brothers’ Butch Trucks dies of self-inflicted gunshot

FOX: Allman Brothers Band drummer Butch Trucks committed suicide in front of his wife, according to multiple media reports.

The Miami Herald, citing a police report, claims that Trucks shot himself in the head with a pistol while his wife of 25-years stood nearby in their West Palm Beach, Florida, condo.

The West Palm Beach Police Department told Fox News “foul play is not suspected, and the case is still under investigation.” They referred all further questions to Trucks’ publicist who did not return Fox News’ requests for comment.

In a 911 call obtained by the Miami Herald, a woman told the dispatcher her “husband just shot himself” and used Trucks’ real first name, Claude, to identify the victim.  more here

h/t Diogenes’ Middle Finger

18 Comments on Allman Brothers’ Butch Trucks dies of self-inflicted gunshot

  1. I just figured out that this was Derek Trucks father.
    Derek is a fantastic guitar player influenced by Greg Allman and was named an official member of the Allman Brothers band at age 20 in 1999.

    Derek formed the Derek Trucks Band, very good stuff from this band. Then he formed the Tedeschi Trucks band with his wife Susan Tedeschi who is a formidable guitar/singer herself.

    Derek likes to use a slide often and you will see him at Eric Clapton festivals and any festival where renown guitar players are coming together. Very good ad a unique sound.
    Check out “Sweet Inspiration” by the Derek Trucks Band.

  2. The suicide rate will only get worse as boomers age. My grandmother was well ahead of the boomers, she lived through the depression. That generation saved all their life so they could afford proper care in old age.

    About a year and a half after my grandmother was admitted into nursing care, the facility she was at started downsizing. This is a large retirement community in southern Arizona that caters to many wealthy seniors. It offers single family homes and apartments for independent living, along with assisted living and nursing care and just about everything in between. Every time I visited, they were putting up new buildings and expanding the campus.

    So I was confused when I was told they were downsizing their full time nursing care. Where are all these people going to go as they graduate from independent living to needing 24/7 nursing care? It was explained to me that there had been a cultural shift in needing nursing care. Specifically boomers had seen their parents waste away in a nursing home and they don’t want to go out like that. The suicide rate among seniors was increasing and the excellent care at the nursing homes was extending patients lives beyond their natural death. The life extension being the biggest factor in people no longer choosing to go to a nursing home.

    My experience with my grandmother’s final years was definitely painful. I have no doubt that the care she received did in fact extend her life. When first admitted she was diagnosed with about 15 different ailments, and if a doctor said you had any one of them, you’d think it was over. The first 2 years I was convinced I’d get a call saying she had passed, the next 3 years made me sick to my stomach just thinking about her, wondering how she must feel.

    As a result, I too will never be admitted to a nursing home. I refuse to live the last 5 years of my life having someone else wipe my ass.

  3. My nieces husband blew his brains out, he suspected of her having an affair – and he was right. She has to look at herself in the mirror every day. Messy way to go, he was a doper since the age of 14, some people are just better off not being here. Sad for the kids as they haven’t gotten over it – I suspect they never will. But she has, a new house, pool, and a guy in bed. Sad.

  4. old_oaks, my dad is 81, and he has a helium-based suicide machine that he can set up and operate with one hand. Of course, he has DNR also. He has dealt with the end-of-life situations for his mother, my mother, her mother and his aunt. When he says he’s going out his way, I take him at his word and respect his wishes.

  5. My last uncle, a WW2 vet, committed suicide four days after he ran out of OxyContin. He tried to get his wife to enter the room and watch it happen. No he did not hate his wife. I blame the doctor for cutting off his prescription cold turkey. He had been taking the drug for years for severe leg pain. I’ve been told it takes months to be weaned off the drug after only a short time of use. You just can’t stop cold turkey after years of use and not have your mind go screwy.

    Yeah, I think the prescribed dosage eased the pain but didn’t eliminate it. And he frequently took more than he should have to get short periods of no pain. Rumors existed that people knew he had the drug in his house and they would come visit saying they wanted to see how he was doing, their real mission was to steal the drug. This resulted in prescriptions being renewed to frequently. His doctor feared being labeled a pill mill doctor. Something he couldn’t permit especially be cause he was running to become a state senator.

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