Almost as good as a goat – IOTW Report

Almost as good as a goat

Muslim man molests mannequin.

27 Comments on Almost as good as a goat

  1. The correct term is fluffer, I believe. Though how getting a splinter in certain parts of your body is supposed to keep one aroused hasn’t been solved yet. But he’s trying…

  2. Unfortunately, if the mannequin files a complaint, and can’t get 4 other mannequins to testify on her behalf, the mannequin victim will have to be stoned. It is Allah’s will.

  3. Equally disturbing was all the people who casually walked by paying no attention to the “lover tryout” and the filming.

    Could it be that behavior is so every day common it draws no notice, or a whack on the side of the head?

  4. Last year in Iran a fatwa was issued forcing stores to cover their female mannequins because it would arrouse young men. I laughed at the time, but I guess the Ayatollah knew what he was talking about.

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