Along Came A Spider… – IOTW Report

Along Came A Spider…

A Huntsman spider in Coppabella, Australia was videoed recently climbing up the front of a guy’s refrigerator trying to find a quiet place to enjoy a meal.   That’s not a ninth leg pointing downwards.


This is apparently your average Huntsman, the Giant Huntsman can have a leg span of up to 12 inches.

19 Comments on Along Came A Spider…

  1. When I first moved to AZ Lazlo had a hell of a time with Tarantulas.
    They kept coming in on one side of the house, and I would take them back out.
    Drove me crazy until some told me they were migrating.
    I took them to the other side of the house, and off they went.

  2. I just photographed a Tarantula on the side of my house about 3 hours ago. I picked it up and took pictures of it in my hand. They are peaceful critters.

    Brown recluse are the bastards you have to look out for around here. I kill every one i see.

  3. wtf do you use to kill it?

    9mm w/glasers?
    410 shotgun ?
    can of WD40 and a lit match?

    Honestly, I wouldn’t mind putting holes in my fridge to kill that thing

  4. I’m convinced that nature has decided it’s time for humans to go and Australia is just the laboratory where it’s testing to determine the best method. Whenever it figures out what that is, it’s going to spread across the whole planet and we’ll be done. The good news is that the giant spiders, snakes and scorpions that will take over will inherit nuclear weapons.

  5. Anonymous, they really don’t hurt people that I’ve heard of but scare the absolute crap out of you when they turn up in your car as you are doing 60 down the highway.

    I use to live about 30 miles from Copabella and I’d much rather them to the other things that turn up in your house chasing mice in that region – like Taipans, now they are seriously scary.

  6. I’m not going to watch this video. I’m already having nightmares about Hillary Clinton as the President and I’ll be damned if I’m going to add eight legs and fangs to her. Besides, I hate spiders.

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