Alternative Media Carries President Trump’s Speech Uncensored and the MSM Doesn’t Like It – IOTW Report

Alternative Media Carries President Trump’s Speech Uncensored and the MSM Doesn’t Like It


In less than a decade, RSBN has gone from an upstart internet broadcaster to a major player in Trump’s MAGA universe, amassing more than 2 million subscribers on its YouTube channel and on Rumble, an alternative video-sharing platform.

As Trump’s loyal herald, carrying his message like a marathoner, live and unfiltered, RSBN has allowed the former Republican president to bypass traditional media and inject his vision for America directly into the veins of his diehard supporters. More

9 Comments on Alternative Media Carries President Trump’s Speech Uncensored and the MSM Doesn’t Like It

  1. Helpful(?) We tried watching the RSBN feeds on our laptops, but got a ton of buffering and pixelating. I then cast it to Roku device via YT’s phone app and had zero issues.

    That was a real barn-burner in the Bronx! That and the NJ rally are the only ones we’ve watched so far. Both were really energizing and uplifting. It was fun watching Trump in his natural habitat; not the country-music-singing stumps we see so frequently.

  2. It is very misleading to play a whole Trump speech. Ordinary people are not capable of grasping its true meaning. Experts are need to explain that what Trump said meant the opposite of his words.

  3. I’ve watched most of his rallies. And my opinion this was one of his best. However the usual suspects that we all rely on did a terrible job of cover the highlights. Money line, (paraphrasing) “I don’t care whether your black, brown, white, or whatever hell color you are we’re all Americans and we need to do whats best for America,” Crowd went absolutely nuts.

  4. “Trump TV: Internet broadcaster beams the ex-president’s message directly to his MAGA faithful”

    And the rest of the world too. Not like MAGAs had to subscribe to it.

    What a slant.

  5. “Alternate” media? I think not – not anymore. Who the hell here gets news from the NY Times, or any of the alphabet networks? THEY are the alternate media for us.


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