Amazing – Larry King Actually Tells a Funny Story – IOTW Report

Amazing – Larry King Actually Tells a Funny Story

FDR in Hell sent this in.

I have no idea why I listened. I’m not a fan of Larry King. Maybe out of respect for FDR. I’m glad I did, it’s pretty amusing.

15 Comments on Amazing – Larry King Actually Tells a Funny Story

  1. Between Larry’s witty story-telling style and the smooth little graphics, that’s a 4-minute gem.

    Tell FDR it still doesn’t make up for his 1930s Raw Deal, but it’s a start.

  2. That was pretty damn funny.

    One problem though. A record (back in the day) was only about 15 minutes per side, so he’d only have 15 minutes to do the nasty, w/ driving & all.

  3. Dan Rather had a basically identical “too good to be true” radio anecdote involving him at a small station in Texas playing a religious LP that got stuck right when the preacher was shouting (in stereotypically comic Crackerspeak) “JAY-zus Ka-RIST!” for several minutes, while Rather had stepped away or something.

    As both men are thoroughly unreliable, I don’t believe either incident ever happened.

  4. Dan Rather had a basically identical “too good to be true” radio anecdote involving him at a small station in Texas playing a religious LP that got stuck right when the preacher was shouting (in stereotypically comic Crackerspeak) “JAY-zus Ka-RIST!” for several minutes, while Rather had stepped away or something.

    As both men are thoroughly slimish and unreliable, I don’t believe either incident ever happened.

  5. Back in the late ’60s, when I was a teenager in LA, an 18 year old coworker of mine left work to become an FM disk jockey. This was when payola was in full swing. He had lots of stories about being paid to play records, but he wasn’t paid in cash, but “sexual favors”.

  6. I thought he was already dead.

    The only funny story I ever heard King tell was about his almost-fatal massive heart attack caused by decades of refusing to quit his 3-4 pack a day chainsmoking.
    As he’s on the stretcher, O2 mask on his face, dimly hearing EMTs saying to each other “We’re losing him” then “He’s gone”, King knows he’s dying and even then his last thoughts are not about family or Life or God but “Damn I need a cigarette.”

    Only funny story in a 60 year career.

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