Amazon Now Covers Travel Cost for Abortions – IOTW Report

Amazon Now Covers Travel Cost for Abortions

Fox Business

Starting Monday, Amazon will cover up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for employees who get non-life-threatening medical treatments, including abortions.

An internal message first reported by Reuters and confirmed by FOX Business notes that the new reimbursement is available to the company’s U.S. corporate and warehouse employees or covered dependents enrolled in Premera or Aetna health plans. 

The policy, which is effective retroactively from Jan. 1, applies if an operation is not available within 100 miles of an employee’s home and virtual care is not possible. In addition to abortions, Amazon’s new policy also covers treatments related to cardiology, cellular gene therapies, oncology and substance abuse disorder services.  More

12 Comments on Amazon Now Covers Travel Cost for Abortions

  1. For a democrat, it must be very comforting to know someone with deep pockets will pay for the removal of a life, regardless of the circumstances.

    That life could be anything from conception to an elderly conservative.

  2. don’t have much truck against Scamazon giving health insurance to their employees.

    it’s not Scamazon’s policy, it’s Scamazon’s negotiations w/ a couple of insurance companies that allow this ‘benefit’ in their packages & is affordable enough for Scamazon’s bottom line to offer their employees these policies. Scamazon isn’t offering this expenditure, the insurance companies are.

    just like, as a male employee, I probably won’t use the neo-natal portion of my insurance policy benefits, & as a female employee, I probably won’t use the prostate exam portion of my insurance policy offerings & I don’t have to use the abortion benefit … but, I might use all the above as a trans-gendered, octal entity identifying as a whatdaphuckdat

    guarantee the employees pay a portion of their salaries for benefit of insurance. & it’s taken, automatically, out of their paychecks.
    you want emergency room care? … comes w/ the abortion travel expenses … part of the package … take it, or leave it

    (frankly, I agree w/ Rush on health insurance being the downfall of good health care … but, that’s another discussion for another time … & I’ve been too long-winded already)

  3. “… non-life-threatening medical treatments, including abortions”

    and there is just nothing at all that is life threatening about an abortion.
    not even a smidgeon
    pure as the driven snow, the thought nazi’s would have us think
    some states permit abortion to be performed by other than a doctor, nor need one be present.
    do they even use a ground fault electrical system for their vacuum cleaners?

  4. Funny how people who kill their own children don’t want to die themselves, isn’t it?
    How bout the aborters abort the aborters? See how that works out.
    Then, they won’t even HAVE to kill their children! They’ll have killed the source of the children, which eliminates a step – and becomes more efficient – as Zyklon-B is more efficient than Carbon Monoxide.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If you can travel to a state where it is legal to have an abortion, and have one, and return to your home state where it is illegal, are you guilty of a crime? Child sex tourism is illegal even if you travel to a place where sex with minors is legal and they provide the child. Extreme example, but what law prevails – the laws where you live or the laws of where the act occurs?


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