AMC Theaters Hears the Complaints of Thousands After Announcing Texting Will Be Permitted in Theaters – IOTW Report

AMC Theaters Hears the Complaints of Thousands After Announcing Texting Will Be Permitted in Theaters

About Face!

AMC reverses decision.

This is why we blog about these things. Enough of us complaining and shining light on this stupidity will shape the course of society.


Texting will not be permitted in movie theaters any time soon it seems, much the chagrin of millennial audiences.

AMC Entertainment’s new CEO Adam Aron released a statement one day after declaring the chain would allow texting saying that the company had gone back on their decision after a very public outcry from customers.

The statement was tweeted out to the movie chain’s 300,000 followers with the message; ‘NO TEXTING AT AMC. Won’t happen. You spoke. We listened. Quickly, that idea has been sent to the cutting room floor.’

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8 Comments on AMC Theaters Hears the Complaints of Thousands After Announcing Texting Will Be Permitted in Theaters

  1. Compared to the big flat screen home TV’s approaching 60-80 inches, and the availability of Netflix, HULU, etc, the theater experience has little to offer.

    Add in the undisciplined use of cell phones, the chattering among the people who always sit behind me, and I’d find it more enjoyable to have a prostate exam or dental surgery.

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