UPDATE: American Federation of Teachers Union Stands With Ukraine – Holding Their Flag Upside Down – IOTW Report

UPDATE: American Federation of Teachers Union Stands With Ukraine – Holding Their Flag Upside Down

It’s not just holding it. They went ahead and printed it that way. These are your children’s teachers.

For those of you thinking this was a purposeful choice, meaning Ukraine is in distress-

After they tweeted this out —–>

They deleted it, digitally altered it, and re-uploaded.

They had to leave out the bird, lol, otherwise the bird would be upside down.

21 Comments on UPDATE: American Federation of Teachers Union Stands With Ukraine – Holding Their Flag Upside Down

  1. Just another example of leftist socialist ignorance.
    Putin and Xi are building an “Eurasian Alliance” right in front of the nimrod leftists in charge of America and they are too stupid to recognize it. A major geopolitical realignment is taking place while our dipshits are focusing on making us GREEN. God save us from the stupid left.

  2. …Communists believe they are superior, so they look down on everything else.

    …so, from THEIR point of view, holding the flag at saggy chest level and peering through bloodshot eyes down at the flag they are holding in front of them, it looked right from THEIR warped point of view…

  3. Passed by several properties in Lower Greenville Ave yesterday and the co-incidence of a Ukrainian flag/poster on a fence or wall along with a Vote Beto sign in the yard is very high.

    I’m surrounded by morons.

  4. Z should have gave up the LPR and DPR , gave up on aspirations of joining NATO and the EU and called it a day . Arming civilians making them combatants would only make the fatality rate higher and increase the targeting of civilian structures . Not going to go into the years of abuse inflicted on the inhabitants of the Donbas Region . What a mess , saw him today doing a video conference with The House Reps , he looked “coked to the gills” , may be some truth to the drug rumor .

  5. Damn union teachers are ugly! And at least one anon is an asshole. On the bright side I’m getting rich with my part time online job, but my computer got Aids and the new Wu flu strain after clicking on the link.

  6. 1/8/02 (>20 years ago) “Common Core” became “law of the land”. It sparked a surge in home schooling that continues as I poorly type!
    This shows the concerned “domestic Terrorists” got it right 20 years ago, AND ARE STILL RIGHT!

    Ronny tried to solve this problem 8 straight years (81 to 88) VOUCHERS!


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