American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order – IOTW Report

American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order

— How Many People Died Because These Soulless Hacks Wanted to Hurt Trump?

20 Comments on American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order

  1. I’ve always heard that EVERYONE has a price…..I’ve always hoped it would not include government officials.

    Then again….why should I be surprised??

    It does make Revolution #2 something to look forward to.

  2. These governors are still practicing medicine without a license with their worthless infringements on our rights. And no names of anyone who maybe giving them false medical decisions that may have killed hundreds. But no one with any actual authority will bring them to justice, because of fear.

  3. By the way…
    Florida doesn’t have any lock-downs. Neither does Texas.
    Their covid cases as a percentage of population are essentially the same as commiefornia, the peoples republic of maryland and new yawk, and their death rates as a percentage of cases are also the same.

  4. The reckoning will be awesome! These are the worst of times, but also the best of times; we’ll living through the giant pendulum making its pause and pushing through the inertia to swing back and recede from 120 years since the birth of full-blown Marxism and its erosion of our Constitution and society. We can say we were here to witness it.

  5. I am NOT going to play their games.

    The lefties have MORE than proven themselves to be completely incapable, numb-minded, liberal, self-serving, righteous, Pieces Of Shit.

    Outside of shooting—-they’re not worth my time.

  6. I can’t find it now, but one of the cyber security forensics guys said they can even take a bag of shredded documents (ballots) and determine what kind of shredder was used as well as having the ability to reconstruct the documents.

    For those here who think this is over, think again. We have a nation of patriots — and some highly intelligent and wise patriots — who see this as ony the beginning of the Great War against these evils.

    Especially if you have children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, please contemplate your sense of defeat and ask yourself why you think that giving up is an option.

    To preserve the last and only greatest hope for freedom on planet earth is a great hill to die on.

  7. Only about 15% of doctors belong to the AMA.
    They spout leftist propaganda so the media acts like 99% of docs belong.
    I hope some enterprising lawyers start running a class action lawsuit against them. I can just see the ads. Similar to ads about suits against drug companies.

  8. One would think the all knowing, all seeing, self appointed medical advisor, Bill Gates, would have known this. But it just doesn’t fit in with his other $100 Billion H.R. 6666 plan.
    I kept seeing that Gates donated $150 million to Covid research. So he gave .0015% of the $100 Billion. And we should continue to where a mask for the next 4-6 months.
    One would think the other super genius Bezos, Dorsey, and Zuckerberg, would have known as well.

  9. “So, people die every day”
    Yeah, about that: why are we destroying our country in a vain attempt to prevent that which is inevitable?
    As a side note, WuFlu seems to have cured Pneumonia, strokes and Coronary issues.
    It’s a miracle!!!


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