American Minorities Announce They Are Not Part of American or Western Civilization – IOTW Report

American Minorities Announce They Are Not Part of American or Western Civilization

Trump’s speech in Poland has caused a major revelation – minorities are not part of American, or Western, civilization. Trump didn’t say this, the left, speaking for all minorities, has.

Trump’s speech continually emphasized the importance of pro-democratic, pro-liberty, pro-God values, and the left feels the speech was alienating and a dog whistle. Many minority spokesholes agree.

Analyzing Trump’s speech with a fine-tooth comb one does not find any language where Trump says “white America.” But this is what the left hears when Trump speaks the secret sneaky coded dog-whistle phrase “western civilization.”

When minorities are offended by the phrase “western civilization,” some extrapolating is necessary.

What’s not clear is whether they want to be a part of our civilization, but feel as if they are not welcome in it, or they are enemies of western civilization as defined by Trump.

If someone is offended by the defense of pro-democratic, pro-God, pro-liberty ideals, my suggestion is to get the hell out of the United States.

This is the path that we are on. This is our destiny. This is the Trump doctrine. The Trump doctrine is good. It is pure. It is inclusive if you want to be a part of it.

If you disagree, if you believe the term “inclusiveness” means embracing people who are enemies to the west and its ideals, you are drawing the battle line. This is becoming clearer and clearer with each passing day.

I am sick of the enemy within. They have their choice- either live happily in a pro-democratic, pro-God, pro-liberty country or prepare themselves for the great western revival.

Western civilization will not collapse without a fight. And despite what leftists think, we have blacks, Mexicans, gays and every other “minority,” on our side as well.

You want to do this? Let’s do this.

26 Comments on American Minorities Announce They Are Not Part of American or Western Civilization

  1. So many anti western countries to choose from but they stay here. Or, like George Clowney, they leave but then return out of safety concerns. What do you think western civilization provides a$$wipe? A measure of humanity and security.

  2. “Minorities” did not choose their “leaders.” If you actually go into minority communities and listen to a cross section of people who live there what you will find is that those who espouse conservatism in any way shape or form simply cannot get their message out. The leftist media in cahoots with the poverty industrial complex decides who speaks for the community and who is the face of the community.

  3. I’m ALL FOR throwing out anyone who says they’re not American or even of Western civilization.

    I mean PHYSICALLY.
    I’m old, but I’ll volunteer.

    On the other hand…WHY WAIT?!?
    Just START throwing the bastards out,
    and let’s see who “cries foul.”

    Straighten up, or GTFO.

  4. Hey, if the Left is expecting us to view everything in terms of skin color, let’s do it:

    “Civilization. It’s a White thing, you just wouldn’t understand.”

  5. Some visiting Chinese officials expressed surprise that it is US Government policy to support able bodied Useless Eaters.
    And in such comfortable idleness, to boot.

    I asked what the Chinese approach would be.
    “Work Camps and a no-children policy. In 20 years, the problem is gone.”

    A lot of folks should be damn grateful for charitable, kind hearted Western Civilization.

  6. America has never been a geography–America is a set of ideas–life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you do not accept those ideas, if you do not want to assimilate with others who share those ideas, get the hell out and don’t let the door hit you as you go. The “Shining City on a Hill” is a beacon for those drawn by the light of those ideas and who want to participate and share in them. The leeches who want to live off the benefits and largess created by freedom, but who do not hold those values and cling to the repressive way of life from which they fled–they simply do not belong here. Send them home.

  7. Kevin, great observation. It’s the inevitable end of a Leftist worldview, as day follows night. Warring factions, all competing for power. No more common humanity or shared human experiences. No more transcendent values or ideas to unite around and build a Nation. There’s no more objective reality with the Left, only dogmatic subjectivism.

  8. When (not if) the SHTF and the power goes out for months or forever, these minorities will be begging for us to help them.
    I expect them to plead communal rights as Americans, and then receive assistance.
    I imagine their sudden onset of patriotism will even be heartfelt, until they get comfortable again.

  9. Let’s see: You qualify for entitlements if you’ve been assimilated into a large group of people with a government identity.

    If you don’t assimilate then no guvmint cheese (or health care, SSI, medicaid, Hud, section-8 housing, or obamer phones for you. Bye bye now.

  10. I am so tired of all this bullshit. I just received another survey from Speaker Paul Ryan/ National Republican Congressional Committee, asking me what I thought he/they should do. Sixteen questions which have been answered over and over again these past ten years. I didn’t fill it out. But I sent it back with a note:
    “We told you what we want! We elected Donald Trump! Get behind him.”

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