America’s First Openly Retarded President Crows That Vax Mandates Work – American Airlines Went From 59% to 99% After Mandate – IOTW Report

America’s First Openly Retarded President Crows That Vax Mandates Work – American Airlines Went From 59% to 99% After Mandate

Wellllllllll Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you f***in moron. If you fire all the unvaxxed you’re vaccinated numbers go up. My question is, “how is it not 100%?”

13 Comments on America’s First Openly Retarded President Crows That Vax Mandates Work – American Airlines Went From 59% to 99% After Mandate

  1. So he gloatingly admits he violated the Nuremberg code and facilitated forcing 40% to give up their informed constant and take an experimental medication known to cause severe side effect short term, unknown long term for a paycheck.

  2. The sound of his voice is like Charlie Brown’s teacher who ran up the stairs all out of breath. He makes as much sense too…” derp derp da derp derp derp…”


  3. And a new story out of the UK today shows that, during September, the vaccinated people there are significantly more likely to be hospitalized and to die of COVID than the unvaccinated.

    From the link:

    “In the week beginning 11th September there were 13,552 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population. Therefore based on the unvaccinated hospitalisation figures of 230 in the week beginning 17th September the case-hospitalisation rate is 1.7%. However, when we carry out the same calculation for the fully vaccinated population hospitalisations (415) and cases (12,119) we can see that the case-hospitalisation rate is 3.4%.

    Therefore, this shows that the Covid-19 injections are increasing the risk of hospitalisation when exposed to Covid-19 by 102% rather than reducing the risk by the 95% claimed by the vaccine manufacturers and authorities.”

    “The table shows that between 21st August 2021 and 17th September 2021 there were 233 deaths among the fully vaccinated population. Combine these with the 10 partly vaccinated deaths and it means the vaccinated population accounted for 81% of Covid-19 deaths up to the 17th September 2021.”

    If this trend plays out in the US as it is in Israel and the UK, I hope that in the near future there might be a quiet rush for some of these companies to rehire people that were fired for not being “vaccinated” because they have acquired natural immunity and have much lower risk of catching COVID or dying from it than the vaccinated. And we haven’t even scratched the surface of possible long term effects of the jab that might force people out of the workforce due to being disabled.

  4. Where does Biden’s “retardation” lie on the following IQ scale:

    IQ Classification

    175+↑ Precocious
    150–174 Very superior
    125–149 Superior
    115–124 Very bright
    105–114 Bright
    95–104 Average
    85–94 Dull
    75–84 Borderline
    50–74 Moron
    25–49 Imbecile
    0–24 Idiot
    -24–1 Amoeba
    -49–25 Bacteria
    -74–50 COVID Virus
    <=-75 Dead (results are just noise)

  5. Biden: “When you see headlines and reports of mass firings, and hundreds of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story…United went from 59% of their employees [vaccinated] to 99%…”

    In other news, the unemployment rate skyrocketed during this time, totally unexpected and purely by coincidence.

  6. Heatsync: Yeah, he didn’t say that many more people got the jab — just that the percentage of employees who got the jab increased.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, you will be happy to know that the pilots on this flight have been inoculated with an experimental therapy with no study of long term effects. Now just sit back and relax.”

  7. ^RadioMattM:

    OH, not so easy as that.

    “Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, Cross-eyed Crickets and Bowlegged Tramps, your pilots have both been injected with a toxic substance that may, or may not, result in pervasive blood clotting, heat attack, and stroke. Sit down and shut up.”

  8. He was fully aware of the reason for the percentage to suddenly jump from 59% to 99% vaxxed due to the likely firing of the unvaxxed employees. He is a very sick psychopath and truly has no compassion for these Americans losing their jobs due directly to him and his public threats and juvenile, phony mandates.

    He really needs to go, as he demonstrates that he is a part, or an initial architect of, the so-called “Great Reset”, while busily destroying this Country day after day.

    This so-called pandemic is getting to look more like a well-planned, well-intended scam against the primarily white and blue collar, lower to middle class workers.

    ALSO: ICYMI: The movie, “COVIDLAND just came out today. Not much of a follower of Alex Jones’ videos, but this was fairly convincing (one hour and 45 minutes):


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