Amusing What’s My Line? From 1958 – IOTW Report

Amusing What’s My Line? From 1958

11 Comments on Amusing What’s My Line? From 1958

  1. We enjoy watching the old What’s My Lines. It is fun watching a group of friends having a good time. The wit is great, and the old style manners are wonderful to watch — the men dressed in dinner jackets and the women in evening gowns (not counting the guests). And when the guests shake hands with the panel and the men stand while the women remain seated is something. The wolf whistles of women guests is crying-worthy, though.

    Bennett Cerf is the person who got Dr. Seuss to write “Green Eggs and Ham.l Cerf bet Seuss that he could not write a successful children’s book using 50 or less words.

  2. Years ago I created an air blast setup on my front porch for Halloween.
    I ran the air hose from my garage to the shrub alongside the steps. I added an air valve solenoid at the compressor outlet and ran the wire switch into the living room. The first victim was a young mother and her preschool son. She stopped on the stair and urged him to ring the doorbell. As he struggled to reach up to the doorbell button I hit my switch. She screamed and ran across the front yard to the street. When she reached the street she turned around and realized she abandoned her child. He was completely oblivious to what happened. I opened the door and gave him a big Hershey bar as she ran back to the house.
    She was livid, but he was grinning ear to ear…and so was I…

  3. What RadioMatt said.

    I had a sad thought about Mr. Lomagistro’s “profession”. Back then it was good clean fun – no harm no fowl. Today it could possibly land him on the sex offender registry.


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