An Unfortunate Lucky Shot – IOTW Report

An Unfortunate Lucky Shot

One of the kids admitted they’d been casing his home when David Allen Petersen took two shots at their vehicle as they made their escape.  Now Mr. Petersen is being charged with manslaughter because he happened to put a bullet into one of the passengers that killed him.



28 Comments on An Unfortunate Lucky Shot

  1. Hope he walks. Joe Biden told him to just fire two shots in the air. Bam Bam. The third shot did him in.
    I pray I am never in that situation but I would probably not fire at a fleeing vehicle unless I or another person in the house had been shot at. Doesn’t seem like a smart move IMHO

  2. Sounds like all the shitbirds were white boys, so he may have a chance of getting off. If he shot a black kid he’d be fucked!

    He could claim he’s an illegal alien and want’s a change of venue to a sanctuary city.

  3. ALL threats should be taken seriously.

    Back in MD a guy told a bartender he was gonna “… go get his gun and shoot him (the bartender)”
    The bartender told him “… go get it! If you come back in here with it, I’m gonna shove it up your ass!”

    The guy went and got it, came back, and shot the bartender 6 times – killing him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In most parts of the country, a jury would find him not guilty, BUT after all, this was in Minnesota, the state that sent that moron Al Franken to the Senate, so this poor bastard may be screwed.


    He would be getting a medal right now. But since he is just a low-level citizen, he will spend $20,000 (at least) in lawyer fees to defend the right to use a weapon to protect himself and his property.

    If I was on the jury, not guilty, no chance of changing my mind. THAT’S why you don’t avoid jury duty.

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