Anagram For “Hillary Rodham Clinton” – IOTW Report

Anagram For “Hillary Rodham Clinton”

Can a horridly ill month—-


22 Comments on Anagram For “Hillary Rodham Clinton”

  1. Not going to be a debate with both Trump and Helliar on the same stage. She will have contagious pneumonia or some such b.s. and her portion will be from a hospital bed. Instant victim, instant valiant fighter, instant cheating with her ear pearl.

  2. “Clinton is a goner. I am a little worried about the Left’s next move when the witch kicks the bucket.”

    Are you Fing kidding me? Berries already announced should one or another candidate die or be come incapacitated he will remain Commander and Chief until we can have a legit election.

  3. anonymous, he cant just do that. His party has to appoint someone to play or Trump wins by default. (excluding the johnson and stein votes.) A president cant just proclaim himself president.

  4. I can think of nothing, or including anything in the US Constitution, requiring elections to be contested, or if contested, that the candidates must be from different political parties, or even be a member of a party. In fact, the race for US Senator is California this year is between two Democrats.

  5. Tuesday, Exactly. What’s stopped him so far? Nothing. If any idiots out there don’t think this is a plan or a possible reality, you have not been paying attention for the last seven years. Fools.

  6. Stand back people and look at what happened today…
    September 11, 2016. America’s freedom, as a Republic, was attacked AGAIN. Why was a Clinton medical diagnosis from Friday withheld until it could be “dramatized” today… 9/11 no less?

    This Clinton “pneumonia” is PSYOP.

    “Psychological operations are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”

    The Benghazi hearings were delayed because of Clinton health issues.

    See if this and upcoming incidents delay the November Elections. This is pure Kabuki Theatre.

  7. you will never see a head on head debate between trump and the beast.
    not going to happen.
    she can’t stay awake long enough.
    makes you wonder who is really pulling her strings.
    soros perhaps?

    who’s hands are on those strings?

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