Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems – IOTW Report

Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems

Dr. SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.

Video shows, with statistics and graphs, how the Dominion program switched massive amounts of votes from President Trump to Biden if a precinct favors President Trump.

In other words, “The MORE the precinct was Republican, the more % of Trump votes are transferred to BIDEN in that precinct”.

Watch the video here.

h/t Dadof4

22 Comments on Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems

  1. A so-called “glitch” is not a glitch when the percentage of votes to be switched, and the direction of the switch, is written in the programing code.

    “.. Now, I know nothing about “Pede,” [intrigued citizen coder] but as you can see, the vote switch was shown on TV, and “Pede” located that percentage switch in the code, which means that “Pede” is working with real data and has the skills needed to identify the code and expose the anomalies” (aka as “glitches by MSM).. .

    Is this evidence that will result in restoring votes for Trump for a huge win and reelection? Or just more wishful thinking?

  2. Watched this video last night (early this morning).
    It is long.
    It is complicated.
    It is encouraging, however, as if you stick with it and try to understand the complexity of the information, it is crystal clear that the election was stolen.
    This video is more than speculation. It is more than innuendo and small instances – it is proof that the algorithm talk is where great fraud and theft will be clear to the prosecutors of the coup attempt.

    It made me sleep more soundly knowing that brilliant minds are on this election investigation.

  3. has anyone gotten around to examining and analyzing the code in these machines yet?

    If not, are plans being made to do so?

    Seems like that would provide the answers to any questions.

  4. Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

    Vengeance is coming.

  5. Surprised it’s still up.

    I have it downloaded, though.

    You just know, that even if you could get your lefty friends and acquaintances to watch it all the way through, with comprehension of what is being conveyed, they would still deny what they are seeing. Maybe worse by saying they don’t care about an honest election if their guy profits from the cheat.

    P.S. I’m hiring all of IOTWr regulars as my cabinet advisors.

  6. @ Anony

    The code access problem is addressed in the video as one part of solving this problem.

    Mandate the voting machines – if they stick with them at all, are all open source so anyone can check for things like this. Proprietary code shouldn’t be allowed from now on.

  7. What they didn’t count on was such a huge red wave that made their cheating so obvious.

    I can see Reps winning a majority of everything if the cheating could be stopped cold.

    Hopefully this is at the top of the list of problem fixing.

  8. I’d vote for Dadof4, so I like his prefix. But soon, I’ll like Donald Trump’s prefix better. Sorry, Dadof4. But can I be your temporary “blow their heads clean off” Secretary of Defense Heads Getting Blown Clean Off?

  9. Watched the whole thing. One point missed is the probability of the perfect slope in ONE instance is less than one percent. For this same perfect slope to happen repeatedly is exponentially less likely.

  10. Dang! I saw more stats, graphs, charts, evidence and science from this video on vote fraud than I have seen in 8 months of wHitler flapping her yap about Covid “science”.
    Praying hard Trump takes Michigan.

  11. I’m praying with you, MissinMi! God’s brilliant light of Truth needs to shine so bright that no eyeballs could miss what has happened.

    Then, after God opens the Legislators and the Supreme Court Jurist’s eyes to see the Truth, he needs to ‘open’ their minds to accept the Truth and act on it.

    If that happens, our jails will be full of the left masterminds and their brown shirts.

  12. Jimmy NOVEMBER 12, 2020 AT 5:16 PM

    I’d vote for Dadof4, so I like his prefix. But soon, I’ll like Donald Trump’s prefix better. Sorry, Dadof4. But can I be your temporary “blow their heads clean off” Secretary of Defense Heads Getting Blown Clean Off?

    You’re hired.

    You will be the head guy of.. blowing heads clean off.

    Someone has to do it and you have the right attitude.

    Best part is you don’t have to buy your own ammo and can even upgrade to anything from howitzers to rail guns.

  13. Crap, it’s all over — DHS says this was the most secure election in US history.

    No voter fraud, no switching of votes, no lost votes, no deleted votes, no compromises to the voting system at all.

    OTOH, how the hell would they know.

    There certainly has not been enough time for all possibilities to have been checked. Plus I did not see any mention about only legal votes were counted. If just no votes were lost, that would seem to indicate fake votes were counted. Counting fake votes – is not the most secure election in US history.

    Department of Homeland Security calls election “the most secure in American history” .

  14. DHS was not created to be our friend. Quite the opposite. They must certainly be a part of it.

    Another thing created after they scared the populace into accepting it. Just like the rona and the lock downs.

  15. An iotwR blast from the past:

    “US Senate candidate Shiva Ayyadurai was arrested by the Belmont police in June 2005 and ..” .

    Well, maybe he is vulnerable to being set up, or has personal relationship dysfunction. But is skilled at math and by observation recognizes data that behaved abnormally that others don’t see, perhaps due to willful blindness.


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