Anatomy of Fake News – NBC’s Report that Trump is Racist For Praising Robert E. Lee – IOTW Report

Anatomy of Fake News – NBC’s Report that Trump is Racist For Praising Robert E. Lee

I’m sick of these news outlets, and I’m sick of the barking low IQ seals that follow their lead.

If you just listened to NBC you’d come away thinking that Trump stood on a podium and gave a hagiography of Robert E. Lee, and that was it. Then they underhandedly paint Trump as a racist because he just “loves, loves, loves him some ‘racist’ Robert E. Lee.”

They leave off the part where Trump introduces General Grant into the picture, an alcoholic general that “knocked the hell out of Lee.”

That was the point of speech, to show how great Grant was because he was able to defeat the skilled Robert E. Lee.

I hate the left. They are stupid, evil, and/or both.

22 Comments on Anatomy of Fake News – NBC’s Report that Trump is Racist For Praising Robert E. Lee

  1. If praising Lee’s generalship is racist, then every History book I ever read was too.

    Also, Grant only defeated Lee because he had superior numbers and equipment and was willing and able to sacrifice as many Northern lives as was necessary to wear the South down, not because he was the better General.

  2. That assertion is unclear, Vietvet; Grant was the better logistician. Too, I don’t think Bobby Lee had the heart to make the sacrifice of lives necessary for victory even if his manpower potential had been on par with Grant.

    The war was not dependent on those two generals alone; both sides had great generals, but the Nationals had a deeper bench. Both Sherman and Sheridan were at the top of their games as the war continued; Tommy Jackson would have been, had he lived, and Longstreet was able to see the tactical and strategic evolution of war happening in real time and would have been formidable during the Spanish war.

    In any event, NBC: that’s “Marse Robert” to you.

  3. Lee’s contribution to defeating Mexico as a young lieutenant is more than enough to make him far more of a hero than McCain.

    As for who was the better general, drawing on my vast inexperience here in my office chair, I call that aspect of the conflict a draw. Both men used the resources they had in the best way possible, Grant waged a successful war of attrition, Lee tried to be unpredictable, took chances and moved quicker, forestalling an inevitable defeat for several years more than it should have taken.

  4. “Be the fustest with the mostest.”
    (Be the first with the most.)

    (Forrest on Generalship)

    When all is said and done, Victory belongs to the Victor – Generalship be damned.

    Lee after Gettysburg, Kesselring in Italy, von Armin in North Africa, Guderian in Russia, Mardonius at Plataea … nothin means nothin if you lose.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The stable 4-genus of a knot K in 3-space is the limiting value of g_4(nK)/n, where g_4 denotes the 4-genus and n goes to infinity. This induces a seminorm on CQ. The concordance genus of a knot is the least genus of any knot in its concordance class. Although difficult to compute, it is a useful invariant that highlights the distinction between the three star genus and a four star genius.

  6. Actually I think Stonewall Jackson was a better general. Lee and Jackson were both young officers under Winfield Scott in Mexico. Jackson understood and applied the lessons taught by General Scott better than Lee did. That was to by pass the enemy’s strongholds and hit them where they were weakest. At Gettysburg Lee stood against the Union’s stronghold from a weaker position and declared he would whip them or be whipped. He was.

    Lee was descended from an old colonial aristocrat family. Jackson was not. Thus Lee was listened to more by Jefferson. However, both Lee and Jackson remained loyal to the sovereign state of Virginia and responded to an invasion by armies of the north. After the north won the war states mostly became colonies of the federal government in Washington DC rather than sovereign states.

    There is a story told, I think in one of Shelby Foot’s books, about a Virginian soldier being held as a pow in Virginia. He is asked by a Vermont soldier, Reb are you fighting for state’s rights or to support slavery? His reply was, Ah, I don’t know anything about that stuff. Then what you fighting for reb? Because you are here. And that is the same reason both Lee and Jackson fought, they rose to arms after their state was invaded.

  7. @Odin 2013: If you don’t think Bobby Lee had the heart to make the sacrifice of lives necessary for victory, then you may want to read more about Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg.


  8. Read Robert E Lee’s letters to his family and you’ll get a great picture of this man. Lee was a wonderful husband and father, a gracious gentleman, and a fine soldier. His men loved him and he is revered here in the South for good reason.

  9. TJ Jackson was a stone-cold, certified nutjob, but he drove his men to the proper place on the battlefield for the maximum advantage. (Although, his performance in the 7 Days Battles was sluggishly inexplicable & cost Lee a huge victory against McClellan). Jackson also had half his generals under arrest at one time or another. Powell Hill couldn’t stand him (Hill saved Lee & Jackson at Sharpsburg). But Jackson was sorely missed at Gettysburg (2 months after Jackson died after Chancellorsville).
    Lee was a great over-all general. His flaw was his habit of leaving too much tactics up to his subordinate general, such as Ewell & Stuart at Gettysburg.
    Let’s face it: if Lee had the same resources as the North, Washington, DC probably could have fallen in ’62

  10. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ: True dat. The North held all the cards going into the war – manpower, manufacturing, large navy, etc. The only way the South could have won was to hit early, hit hard, and defeat the Yankees before they could get organized, like maybe right after the First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas).

  11. Vietvet; The carnage of Pickett’s Charge broke General Lee’s heart (he knew casualties would be steep, just not that steep); I don’t think he could repeat a loss like that. General Grant could, even though the losses bothered him to his dying day (especially the debacle at Cold Harbor).

    Molon; I never understood General Jackson’s failure to perform at Seven Pines; he was told to be in position at a certain time…I don’t know why he failed…I’ve only ever read a litany of poor excuses.

    Anon; “no one drives the General Grant.” In America, the General Grant drives YOU!

  12. Gettysburg was a Southern fiasco because Lee’s Generals were a bunch of worthless pieces of shit. Their artillery stocks were a mile behind their artillery, Pickett was at the Whiskey Wagon during the Charge, What’s-his-name never brought up his divisions to support the charge, and the Cavalry guy never arrived at the rear of the Northern oppressors.

    Lee’s fault? As Commander, yes.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Vietvet and Odin 2013,
    See: “Pickett’s Charge” by PT Tucker.

    Due to a mortal disgust of the fratricidal Civil War (War Between the States), which has always struck me as an unnecessary waste of humanity, I can’t read much on the subject. So, forgive my ignorance and dependence on Mr. Tucker.

    izlamo delenda est …

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