And Now a Heartfelt Message for the MSM – IOTW Report

And Now a Heartfelt Message for the MSM


To hell with them all. When a left-wing media outlet is drowning, hand them a brick. Be careful, leftists tend to throw those at police, but if you give them enough metaphorical ones it may just send them to the bottom permanently. All the “journalists” who’ll lose their jobs can get gigs at CNN, MSNBC, start a Substack, open an OnlyFans page or learn to code, I really couldn’t care less. More

9 Comments on And Now a Heartfelt Message for the MSM

  1. It’s not about individual, awful reporters, most of the time…it [sic] about an industry so far removed from what it used to be that it’s unrecognizable.

    It’s now made of up a giga-gaggle of gleet garglers.

  2. “It’s now made of up a giga-gaggle of gleet garglers.” Uncle Al

    This requires analysis:

    𝐠𝐢𝐠𝐚 (1) Billion (10 to the 9th power). Abbreviated “G,” it is a prefix for capacities and speeds (gigabits, gigabytes, gigahertz, etc.). Giga may refer to 1,000,000,000 or 1,073,741,824, the latter based on the binary system (see NIST binary). See GB, gig, binary values and space/time.

    (2) A prefix attached to common, non-computer words that means a very large size or quantity. For example, “gigabucks” means a lot of money. Both “giga” and “mega” are used in this manner, although giga means billion and mega means million. See mega.

    𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 (ˈɡæɡəl)
    (intr) (of geese) to cackle
    1. a flock of geese
    2. informal a disorderly group of people
    3. a gabbling or cackling sound

    𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐭 [glēt]
    The chronic stage of gonorrheal urethritis, characterized by a slight mucopurulent discharge.

    n. a drinker; a drunkard. You are going to turn into a gargler if you don’t let up on your drinking.

    So, the MSM is nothing but a billion dumb birds drinking their own pus-filled, gonorrheal piss. Okay! Got it!

  3. Derek is clearly very young; and not well informed;

    The Press has been the propaganda arm of the UNIPARTY at lest 70 years! Likely longer.

    When I was in High School the press (MSM today) told us ike’s OPERATION WETBACK was “an isolationist, white nationalist” scheme.
    My “Bush Republican” teachers parroted ABC, CBS + NBC.
    I was sent to Detention twice in ’58 and once in ‘59 for telling the truth!

    Ike was merely enforcing the law!.

    That criminals were not white had nothing to do with protecting working Americans.
    Note to Jeb ’15 debates. Not only did Ike deport about 1.8% of folk in America then; (almost 15,000,000 today) the result of OPERATION WETBACK was that government spending was materially cut and we had a budget surplus 3 of the next 4 years. Which gave working Americans a huge pay raise as inflation those yaers had a minus sign. DEFLATION ! Liveing standards for working and retired Americans were greatly enhanced.
    Billionaire “Open Border” folk likely had their living standard degraded as they had to play more for: cooks, maids, gardeners…. Of course OUR BETTERS WERE OPEN BOARDER; AND STILL ARE TODaY! It is in their self interest!?!@#$%^&*!

    Next decade the reporting on Nam war was all BS..I have direct first and knowledge. I WAS THERE!

    More UNIPARTY LIES in the 70’s . Volker did not kill inflation! Ronny did!
    CPI 8/6/79 11.8% Volker takes over.
    CPI 1/21/81 Ronny takes over! 11.8%.
    Notice how much it went down BEFORE RONNY! Null, nothing zero nada!
    CPI 1/31/83 3.7%
    PaUL IS GIVEN CREDIT FOR RONNY’S VERY GOOD WORK. UNIPART!Y, and its propaganda organs, give Ronny no credit to this day!

    Disney, Paramount, and Universal had over 60% of the media market 60 years ago. Chandlers, NYTimes and Post had another 12 or 13% Total about 75%
    Today with Fox the big media companies have only 35% of the market. But their revenues and profits are much, much bigger!

    Yes many tiny, immaterial paper and radio companies have gone under the last 60 years. But they have/had an insignificant share of the market. Disney, Paramount, Universal et. al. have grown (in $ not people buying their product!) in part because the UNIPARTY has given them $millions (1962) to $billons (2022) of taxpayer $ . The payments are called:, Advertisements, Public information, Public relations ….People watching TV and reading “news”papers has been on the decline for over 50 years! But real people buying their goods are not requited if the taxpayers subsidize them!

    They have been well subsidized for longer than most readers here have lived! As long as there are “Bush Republicans” (naming some names: McConnell, Thune) are in congress taxpayers will. Continue doing what we have for many decades. Pay MSM to put out UNIPARTY propaganda.

    Yes NYTimes circulation will continue its 40 years decline. Yes Paramount will continue the 60 trend in less viewers. But their subsidy from you and I will continue to grow; as it has for 62 years. Subsidy growth took off 22 years ago and continues unabated today!

    Derek is just plain wrong. ‘Wether he is unlearned or intentionally mis leading I know not. But I do know that the execs at the MSM now that “Bush Republicans” will give them all the taxpayer $ they need to continue to put out UNIPARTY propaganda as news.

    UNIVISION,PARAMOUINT et. ARE NOT DYING and as long as “Bush Republicans” are in congress THEY WILL NOT DIE.
    M. Cavanaugh and R. Bakish et. Al. are not dumb! They know if they keep doing what they’ve been doing for many decades they will not suffer!

    As their “real people’ customers have gone away the last several decades “Bush Republicans” ( Bob Dole, J Bayner – spelled Boehner-, Thune….) have grown the taxpayer subsidy to replace the $!

    Were Derek serious he would call out the Bush Republicans who are, and have subsidized them. Since he did not; I say he is either:

    Not serious .
    Not honest.

    Paramount is not on “death watch”! You and I are keeping them well!


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